
对五运六气学说的逻辑思考 被引量:10

Logical thinking on the theory of five evolutive phases and six climatic factors
摘要 文章简要地就与中医运气学说相关的自然逻辑概念、朴素的辩证思维形式、逻辑思维方法以及逻辑认识问题等,作了一些思考:首先认为唯物的自然逻辑概念构成了运气学说的基本形式与内容,并为它的科学性奠定了扎实的基础。其次对在对人体生理活动、病理变化与自然界多种因素各种至关紧要的关联认识中,采取朴素的辩证思维方式予以思考。还对在临床诊断和治疗疾病的实践过程中,具体体现在色诊、脉诊、治疗原则及治疗手段等方面,所形成了辨证论治的独特优势做出分析。具体地说,运气学说的基本形式和逻辑思维方法所特有的"天人相应"象与类"取予"统一的形式,是古代归纳与演绎两种逻辑思维方法的密切结合,正反映了其朴素辩证的思维形式,是古代逻辑认识的科学思想方法。如果说,运气学说是从天体、气候、人体病变运动的矛盾统一上,自觉或不自觉地找到了辩证思维的逻辑认识。观其象,识其数,推其类,就是中医理论认知自然因素与人体疾病变化相关的逻辑认识方法。因此认为:历史的、理论的和统计的研究方式,对运气学说的科研来说密不可分、缺一不可。而联系着传统中医理论和现代科技研究方法的心路正是逻辑认识的思想方法,这才是值得重视、肯定、借鉴、吸收的问题。 This article briefly is related to the traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)movement and qi theory of natural logical concept,simple form of dialectical thinking,logical thinking methods and logical understanding problem,etc.,made a few thinking:the first think materialist natural logical concept constitutes the basic form and content of the doctrine of movement and qi theory,and laid a solid foundation for its scientific nature.Secondly,the author thinks about the crucial relationship between physiological activities,pathological changes and various factors in nature by simple dialectical thinking.It also analyzes the unique advantages of syndrome differentiation in clinical diagnosis and treatment of diseases,which are embodied in color diagnosis,pulse diagnosis,treatment principles and treatment means.To be specific,the basic form of movement and qi theory and the unique unified form of’correspondence between heaven and man’image and’taking from’in logical thinking method are the close combination of ancient inductive and deductive logical thinking methods,reflecting its simple and dialectical thinking form,and the scientific thinking method of ancient logical cognition.If we say,movement and qi theory from the celestial body,climate,the movement of human pathological changes on the unity of contradictions,consciously or unconsciously found the logical understanding of dialectical thinking.Observing its image,recognizing its number and deducing its category is the logical cognition method of TCM theory to recognize the correlation between natural factors and changes of human diseases.Therefore,historical,theoretical and statistical research methods are indispensable to the scientific research of movement and qi theory.And the way of mind,which is connected with the theory of TCM and the research method of modern science and technology,is the thinking method of logical cognition,which is worthy of attention,affirmation,reference and absorption.
作者 李爽姿 王勤明 LI Shuang-zi;WANG Qin-ming(Institute of Basic Theory for Chinese Medicine,China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences,Beijing 100700,China)
出处 《中华中医药杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第10期5750-5753,共4页 China Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy
关键词 五运六气学说 自然逻辑概念 朴素辩证思维形式 逻辑思维方法 逻辑认识问题 Theory of five evolutive phases and six climatic factors Natural logic concept Simple dialectical thinking form Logical thinking method Logical cognition problem
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