

Research on the Governance of the New Business Form of “Elderly Care through Tourism” under PPP mode
摘要 高层次养老服务供给侧改革是完善多层次养老体系的一个重点。"旅居养老"是以中高端养老需求为导向的异地养老模式,在具体实践中存在筹资渠道单一、"零监管"、"无规制"、缺乏有效治理平台、服务质量偏低等问题。PPP模式作为一种治理工具为"旅居养老"新业态治理提供了一种新范式。基于PPP模式对接"旅居养老"新业态治理的逻辑,拓宽筹资渠道,创新投融资体制机制;治理相关利益主体间关系,强化监管和规制;搭建"旅居养老"PPP项目治理平台,提高资源整合效率,强化"旅居养老"平台生态圈"价值网+"格局;构建"旅居养老"服务网络体系,提升养老服务质量。 The supply reform of high-level elderly care service is a key to improve the multi-level elderly care system."Elderly care through tourism" is a model of elderly care guided by the needs of medium and high ends and provided in the older people’s tourist destinations. In specific practice, there are some problems, such as single financing channel,"zero supervision","no regulation", lack of effective governance platform, low service quality and so on. As a governance tool, PPP model provides a new paradigm for the governance of the new business form of "elderly care through tourism". Based on the PPP model, we connect the governing logic of this new business form,so that the financing channels are broadened and the investment and financing system and mechanism are innovated. We can govern the relationship between stakeholders and strengthen supervision and regulation. The building of PPP platform will improve the efficiency of resource integration, and strengthen the "value network +"pattern of the ecosystem. A service network system of "elderly care with tourism" is thus established and quality of elderly care services will be improved.
作者 谢金芳 XIE Jinfang(The Party School of CPC Linhai Municipal Committee,Linhai Zhejiang 317000)
出处 《宁波开放大学学报》 2021年第3期37-41,共5页 Journal of Ningbo Open University
基金 浙江省中共台州市党校系统第十六批规划课题“基于PPP模式的综合田园式旅居养老模式构建――以台州市为例”(tzdx1815) 2019年台州市社科联课题“PPP模式下田园式旅居养老新业态的发展――以X镇为例”(19YA11)。
关键词 旅居养老 PPP模式 业态治理 利益主体 平台生态圈 Elderly care through tourism PPP Mode Business governance Stakeholders Platform ecosystem
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