

On Relationship between Teenagers'Perception of Spatial-Time and Characteristics of Exercise Behavior——Take Chongqing as an Example
摘要 以重庆市青少年为例,采用调查问卷法、数理统计法等方法研究青少年在自主锻炼意志下的时空感知水平与参与体育锻炼关系,结果表明:①青少年时空感知水平与锻炼行为成正相关性,其对生活空间周围锻炼场所时空位置特征的感知能力提升可有效改善锻炼行为.②3类区域青少年锻炼出行的主要方式是步行,乡村青少年出行选择自行车和电动摩托车比例远高于其他两个区域,印证了乡村体育健身基础设施建设不充足、远距离和分散的特征,同时,乡村“其他场所”锻炼比例高于主城区和城乡接合部,实地考察发现,乡村存在锻炼场地不规范、设施不齐全以及人为改造场地的情况.③主城区青少年不可控时间成本(通行不畅通等因素)要高于其他两个区域.出行方式、锻炼场所选择与场所分布情况、到达耗时等出行成本密切相关,同时也受服务水平影响;乡村青少年锻炼时间无规律性,城乡接合部和主城区青少年则在“上午”和“晚上”时间段锻炼. Taking Chongqing teenagers as an example,the methods of questionnaire and mathematical statistics have been used to study the spatial and temporal perception level and the characteristics of participating in physical exercise of teenagers under the independent exercise will.The results show that:1)There is a positive correlation between adolescents'perception of exercise time and space and their exercise behavior.Improving their perception of the spatial and temporal characteristics of exercise places around their living space can effectively improve their exercise behavior.2)The main way of teenagers'exercise travel in the three types of areas is walking.The proportion of rural teenagers choosing bicycles and electric motorcycles is much higher than that in the other two areas,which confirms the characteristics of inadequate,long-distance and scattered construction of rural sports and fitness infrastructure.At the same time,the proportion of“other places”in rural areas is higher than that in the main urban areas and the urban-rural fringe,There are some problems in the countryside,such as non-standard exercise venues,incomplete facilities and artificial transformation of venues.3)The uncontrollable time of students in the main urban area is longer than that in the other two areas.The choice of travel mode and exercise place is closely related to the location distribution,arrival time and other travel costs,but also affected by the service level.The exercise time of rural youth is irregular,while the youth in the urban fringe and the main urban area exercise in the“morning”and“evening”.The study is helpful to understand the interaction between the physical exercise behavior characteristics and spatial perception of adolescents in Chongqing,which is a supplement to the research on physical exercise behavior of adolescents in different cities in China,and also provides a basis for solving the time and space barriers of adolescents in different regions to participate in physical exercise.
作者 梁潇 刘毅 LIANG Xiao;LIU Yi(Sports Department, Southwest University of Political Science & Law, Chongqing 401120, China;Group of Sports, Chongqing Tibet Middle School, Chongqing 400036, China)
出处 《西南师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2021年第12期101-108,共8页 Journal of Southwest China Normal University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 重庆市社会科学规划重点项目(2017ZDYY54) 重庆市普通高中教育教学改革研究课题资助(2019CQJWGZ3023) 沙坪坝区教育科学规划重点课题(2019-4-06).
关键词 青少年 时空感知 锻炼行为 相关性 teenagers spatial-time perception exercise behavior relevance
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