

The Difficulties and Countermeasures of Moral Education in Colleges and Universities
摘要 从分析当前高校道德教育所面临困境入手,阐述融入中华优秀传统文化资源的作用,述评关于中华优秀传统文化资源融入高校思政课的研究成果。由此挖掘出导致道德教育困境的三个关键症结:未能紧扣"长善救失"的教学宗旨;忽略在"孝敬"这一根本上"培德";缺乏系统性的教学理路与用典内容的研究。针对所发现的症结,分别从教育宗旨、着力点、教学次第、用典原则与内容体系等方面,讨论如何对治这些症结,提出了相应对策。进而构建出高校道德教育的优化理路。 Based on reality observation and literature review, the article discusses the current predicament of moral education in colleges and universities. And then, this paper elaborates the role played by the integration of Chinese excellent traditional cultural resources into ideological and political courses in colleges and universities, reviews the research results on the integration of Chinese excellent traditional cultural resources into the ideological and political courses, and explores three key cruxes of the predicament. One is that cannot aim the educational tenet of "promoting the good as well as saving the negligence". The second is that ignoring the root of moral. And the third is that lack of research on systematic teaching principles and how to use Chinese ancient books. In response to the problems found,some important questions are researched, which are on the teaching tenet, teaching focus, teaching order, and how to use Chinese ancient books. And then, the following countermeasures are proposed. First, aim the educational tenet of "promoting the good as well as saving the negligence" and practice the teaching concept of "the unity of knowledge and action". Second, focus on cultivating filial piety which is the foundation of all virtues. Third, follow the teaching of "believe, understand, implement, and demonstrate", and lead students to build good morals from shallow to deep. Forth,integrate the excellent Chinese traditional culture to consolidate the theoretical system of moral education. Furthermore,an optimized rationale for moral education in colleges and universities is constructed.
作者 陈少霞 CHEN Shao-xia(Jiaying University,Meizhou 514015,China)
机构地区 嘉应学院
出处 《嘉应学院学报》 2021年第5期75-79,共5页 Journal of Jiaying University
基金 2021年度教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目(21YJC630007) 广东省哲学社会科学“十三五”规划一般项目(GD20CGL25) 广东省2020年度高等教育教学改革项目一般项目(PX-620712) 嘉应学院2019年度高等教育教学改革项目重点项目(JYJG20190107)。
关键词 道德教育 中华优秀传统文化 高校思政课 长善救失 ethics chinese excellent traditional culture ideological and political education promoting the good as well as saving the negligence
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