从长春东风大道"一汽一号门"向西13 km,在这里,坐落着一片厂区。2021年7月13日,在解放出车65周年庆典暨解放智慧动力域品牌发布系列活动中,笔者有幸参观了这片少有人知的区域——一汽解放汽车有限公司传动事业部厂区。精于传动:少为人知的低调实力派"在过去,我们没有品牌,在社会各界宣传做的也比较少,大家对我们的了解也比较少。"解放传动事业部党委书记、总经理倪牟淳这样向笔者介绍。
In 2020, FAW Jiefang Transmission Division achieved operating revenue of RMB 13.88 billion, with an annual production of 289,800 transmission assemblies and 867,300 axle assemblies. In order to move towards the goal of "world-class", Jiefang Transmission Division has planned and completedthe next generation transmission and axle, thereby greatly upgrading the automation and informatization of the production line.
Commercial Vehicle