采埃孚3款新产品——中央电驱系统CeTrax CP、AMT集成式分离机构Con Act、底盘悬架系统Airtrac X将于2021年陆续在采埃孚商用车嘉兴基地投产,这是6月18日采埃孚商用车嘉兴基地开业仪式上透露的最新消息。采埃孚商用车嘉兴基地的投产和几款新产品的发布,表明采埃孚正在将更多的资源向中国市场倾斜。正如采埃孚中国总裁及亚太区运营高级副总裁汪润怡在开业仪式上所言,进入中国市场40年的采埃孚,经历了从中国销售、中国制造和中国研发的历史性跨越。
On June 18, 2021, the operation ceremony of ZF Commercial Vehicle Jiaxing Base was held. The operation of ZF Commercial Vehicle Jiaxing Base and the release of several new products marked that ZF, which has entered the Chinese market for 40 years, has seen a historic leap from Sold in China, Made in China and Developed in China, and is developing toward "Led by China".
Commercial Vehicle