This paper presents a numerical study of the Rayleigh-Benard convection(RBC)in two-dimensional cells with asymmetric(ratchet)roughness distributed on the top and bottom surfaces.We consider two aspect ratios of roughness y=1,2 and the range of the Rayleigh number 1.0 xlO6<Ra<2.0x1010 with the Prandtl number Pr=4.The influences of the roughness on the heat transfer and the flow structure are found to be strongly dependent on both Ra and the roughness geometry.We find that the roughness can have a significant influence on the organization of the secondary comer rolls,and the comer rolls are evidently suppressed by the roughness for intermediate values of Ra.In the presence of the roughness,a sharp jump of the Nu values is identified as the Ra value is slightly increased,accompanied with the dramatic changes of the large-scale flow structure and the plume dynamics.The influences of the ratchet orientation on the heat transfer and the flow structure are discussed and analyzed.
supported by the Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.11988102,91852202)
the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation(Grant No.2019M660614).