
云南边境地区3种外来动物疫病流行情况及病原特性研究 被引量:3

Study on Prevalence and Pathogenic Characteristics of Three Exotic Animal Diseases in Yunnan Border Areas
摘要 为评估云南边境地区外来动物疫病的风险状况,了解小反刍兽疫(PPR)、裂谷热(RVF)和施马伦贝格(SB)等3种重要外来动物疫病的流行情况,在云南昆明辖区内某大型牲畜交易市场及某规模化奶牛养殖合作社采集绵羊、山羊、牛、马及驴等不同动物鼻拭子样本及血液样本258份(包含境外家畜),应用已建立的PPRV/RVFV/SBV三重实时荧光定量RT-PCR方法进行检测。检测结果显示,在258份样本中,检测到PPRV核酸阳性样本1份,未检测到RVFV/SBV核酸阳性样本。对PPRV核酸阳性样本,应用普通RT-PCR扩增F-H基因接头位置序列和进一步核苷酸序列测序确定其为PPRV谱系Ⅳ型毒株,与2013年新疆伊犁山羊毒株(KM091959)及2014年吉林家养山羊毒株(KM816619)核苷酸同源性最高,达到99.2%。结果提示,云南边境地区交易的山羊中携带PPRV;未检测到RVFV和SBV。 In order to assess the risk of exotic animal diseases in Yunnan border areas,and to understand prevalence of three exotic animal diseases including PPRV,RVFV and SBV,total 258 nasal swabs and blood samples of different animal species including sheep,goat,cattle,horse and donkey were collected in a large livestock market(exotic animals included)and large-scale cooperation dairy farm,Kunming,Yunnan.The established triplex real-time fluorescent quantitative RT-PCR method of PPRV/RVFV/SBV was used for detection.The results showed that one PPRV positive nucleic acid sample was detected in 258 samples,and that no RVFV/SBV positive nucleic acid samples were detected.The F-H junction gene of PPRV positive nucleic acid samples was further amplified by routine RT-PCR and further sequenced,which showed that the detected virus belongs to PPRV genotypeⅣvirus.The virus strain has highest 99.2%nucleic acid homology with those strains detected in goat in Ili,Xinjiang,2013(km091959)and in goat,Jilin,2014.The results showed that PPRV has still been circulating in trade goats in Yunnan border areas,and that no RVFV and SBV are detected yet.
作者 赵文华 李富祥 尹伟 杨仕标 ZHAO Wen-hua;LI Fu-xiang;YIN Wei;YANG Shi-biao(Yunnan Tropical and Subtropical Animal Viral Disease Laboratary/Yunnan Animal Science and and Veterinary Institute,Kunming,Yunnan,650224,China;Yangqiao Street Agricultural Integrated Service Center,Songming,Yunnan,651705,China)
出处 《动物医学进展》 北大核心 2021年第12期31-37,共7页 Progress In Veterinary Medicine
基金 国家重点研发计划项目(2017YFD0501801,2017YFD0501805) 国家自然科学基金项目(32060809)。
关键词 小反刍兽疫病毒 裂谷热病毒 施马伦贝格病毒 核酸检测 风险评估 Peste des petits ruminants virus(PPRV) Rift Valley fever virus(RVFV) Schmallenberg virus(SBV) nucleic acid detection risk assessment
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