Because of the difference of its object and the scene of its using,the word“Virtue”in Aristotle’s ethical works has diverse connotations,but they are still interconnected and supported by each other.The original meaning of virtue means the perfect exertion of the essential function of all things and the perfect tendency of things towards their own ends.It is the applying of teleology,which is in the sense of natural science;In ethical discussion,virtue is often the abbreviation of moral virtue,which means the moral agent’s choice conforms to the basic meaning of the doctrine of mean;In the final sense,virtue is the soul’s perfect quality of human being in order to achieve a happy life.It is a realistic way for human beings to break through their own limitations and conditions.The practical nature of ethics is the basic premise to understand the triple meaning of virtue and their internal unity.The unity of virtue embodies the dual dimensions of reality and transcendence of Aristotle’s political theory.
Nanjing Journal of Social Sciences