
2018年长沙市糖尿病高危人群筛查结果分析 被引量:4

Analysis of Screening Results of High-risk Diabetes Population in Changsha City in 2018
摘要 目的了解具有糖尿病危险因素人群糖尿病前期和糖尿病患病情况。通过筛查将确诊为的糖尿病患者纳入社区慢性病重点人群管理。方法2017-11/2018-05期间,在长沙市174个街道(乡镇)对符合糖尿病高危人群的居民随机筛查。统计分析采用SPSS 22.0软件,比较采用卡方检验,P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。结果本次共筛查高危人群42705例,其中血糖正常者28839(67.5%)例、糖尿病前期结局检出8458(19.8%)例、糖尿病结局检出5408(12.7%)例;高危因素聚集者糖尿病前期和糖尿病检出率增高。不同性别危险因素:女性有巨大儿生产史或妊娠糖尿病史的妇女,多囊卵巢综合征(PCOS)患者;BMI≥24 kg/m^(2);中心型肥胖;静坐生活方式;一级亲属中有2型糖尿病家族史;高血压或正在接受降压治疗;血脂异常均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。不同年龄组危险因素:有巨大儿生产史或妊娠糖尿病史的妇女,多囊卵巢综合征(PCOS)患者;有糖调节受损史;BMI≥24 kg/m^(2);中心型肥胖;静坐生活方式;一级亲属中有2型糖尿病家族史;高血压或正在接受降压治疗;血脂异常;动脉粥样硬化性心脑血管疾病患者;长期接受抗精神病药物和/或抗抑郁药物治疗均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。不同危险因素糖尿病前期和糖尿病筛查:年龄≥40岁;有糖调节受损史;BMI≥24 kg/m^(2);中心型肥胖;静坐生活方式;一级亲属中有2型糖尿病家族史;高血压或正在接受降压治疗;有一过性类固醇糖尿病病史者均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。Logistic回归分析:年龄≥40岁;有糖调节受损史;BMI≥24 kg/m^(2);中心型肥胖;静坐生活方式;一级亲属中有2型糖尿病家族史;高血压或正在接受降压治疗;有一过性类固醇糖尿病病史者均是引起糖尿病前期结局和糖尿病结局的共同影响因素。结论糖尿病前期结局人群在筛查中占比较高,都是成为糖尿病患者潜在人群。糖尿病筛查有助于早期发现糖尿病,有利于减少糖尿病的并发症。 Objective To understand the pre-diabetes and diabetes prevalence of people with diabetes risk factors.Through screening,patients with diagnosed diabetes were included in the management of key populations of chronic diseases in the community.Methods From November 2017 to May2018,residents who met high-risk groups of diabetes were randomly screened in 174 streets(towns)in Changsha.SPSS 22.0 software was used for statistical analysis,and the chi-square test P<0.05 was considered statistically significant.Results A total of 42705 cases of high-risk population were screened this time,including 28839(67.5%)cases of normal blood sugar,8458(19.8%)cases of pre-diabetes outcome detection,5408(12.7%)cases of diabetes outcome detection;high-risk factors clustered the detection rate of pre-diabetes and diabetes was increased.Risk factors of different genders:women with a history of giving birth of large baby or gestational diabetes,polycystic ovary syndrome(PCOS);BMI≥24 kg/m^(2);central obesity;sedentary lifestyle;family history of type 2 diabetes in first-degree relatives;hypertension or receiving antihypertensive treatment;dyslipidemia,all were statistically significant(P<0.05).Risk factors for different age groups:women with a history of giving birth of large baby or gestational diabetes,patients with polycystic ovary syndrome(PCOS);history of impaired glucose regulation;BMI≥24 kg/m^(2);central obesity;sedentary lifestyle;family history of type 2 diabetes in first-degree relatives;hypertension or receiving antihypertensive treatment;dyslipidemia;patients with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease;long-term treatment with antipsychotics and/or antidepressants,all were statistically significant(P<0.05).Different risk factors for pre-diabetes and diabetes screening:age≥40 years;history of impaired glucose regulation;BMI≥24 kg/m^(2);central obesity;sedentary lifestyle;family history of type 2 diabetes in first-degree relatives;hypertension or receiving antihypertensive treatment;A history of transient steroid diabetes,all were statistically significance(P<0.05).Logistic regression analysis:age≥40 years;history of impaired glucose regulation;BMI≥24 kg/m^(2);central obesity;sedentary lifestyle;family history of type 2 diabetes in first-degree relatives;hypertension or receiving antihypertensive treatment;A history of transient steroid diabetes,all of them were common factors that caused the outcome of pre-diabetes and diabetes.Conclusion The population with pre-diabetes account for a relatively high proportion of the screening,and they are all potential people with diabetes.Diabetes screening helps to detect diabetes early and helps reduce the complications of diabetes.
作者 罗飞 胡劲松 黄霜 黄渊秀 吴梦怡 陈姗 LUO Fei;HU Jinsong;HUANG Shuang;HUANG Yuanxiu;WU Mengyi;CHEN Shan(The Center for Disease Control and Prevention of Changsha City 410000,Hunan Province,China)
出处 《预防医学情报杂志》 CAS 2021年第11期1543-1549,共7页 Journal of Preventive Medicine Information
关键词 糖尿病 慢性病 高危人群筛查 危险因素 diabetes chronic diseases high-risk population screening risk factors
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