
基于交叉定标的仪器定标精度评估 被引量:1

Evaluation of Instrument Calibration Accuracy Based on Cross Calibration
摘要 国产卫星仪器的定标精度与国外仍存在一定差距。基于交叉定标原理,将Aqua/MODIS的反射率作为真值,分析了中分辨率光谱成像仪太阳反射波段反射率与它之间误差的分布特征,发现反射率误差随着卫星天顶角的变化而变化,呈现"碗状"分布,且这种反射率与波长相关,认为这种误差是一种非线性误差。 There is still a certain gap between the calibration accuracy of domestic satellite instruments and foreign countries.Based on the cross calibration,the reflectance of Aqua/MODIS and NPP/VIIRS are taken as the true value,and the distribution characteristics of the reflectivity of MERSI and the errors between them are analyzed.It is found that the reflectance error changes with the change of the satellite zenith angle,presenting a"bowl-like"distribution,and this reflectance is related to the wavelength.This error is considered to be a non-linear error.
作者 姜梦蝶 戴高乐 Jiang Meng-die;Dai Gao-le(The 28th Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation,Jiangsu Nanjing 210007)
出处 《电子质量》 2021年第11期104-108,共5页 Electronics Quality
关键词 交叉定标 中分辨率光谱成像仪 非线性误差 Cross calibration MERSI Non-linear error
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