
游客具身体验视角下传统乡村旅游地的地方重构——婺源案例 被引量:22

Studying Place Reconstruction of Traditional Rural Tourism Destinations from the Perspective of Tourists’ Embodied Experience in Wuyuan, China
摘要 传统乡村发展旅游业的过程中,地方在短时间内经历着急剧的解构和重构。如何在由旅游引发的变迁中理解乡村的地方重构问题,相关机理和实践均有待深入。近年,具身范式转换为旅游研究提供了一个独特的视角。其中,旅游情境下游客具身体验与地方呈现出复杂和多元的关系。该文首先从游客具身体验视角对旅游引发的地方重构进行了文献述评,探查游客在地方重构中的作用,并以婺源为案例地,采用定性研究方法探查游客具身体验重构地方的过程。研究发现,在婺源"地方性-去地方化-再地方化"的地方重构过程中,游客高峰体验和日常性体验对立统一的演进过程推动了传统乡村旅游地的地方重构。 This paper explores the place reconstruction of traditional rural tourism destinations by focusing on tourists’ embodied experience. In the past few years, tourism geographers have exhibited growing interests in examining how tourism reshapes the meanings of place in rural areas. Some scholars argue that tourism has substantially eliminated the authenticity of place and brought about a condition of"placelessness". However, other scholars also argue that place is not static and bounded but rather constantly redefined by people who create and inhabit the meanings of place. In this sense,tourism may also help produce a more progressive and global sense of place. This paper therefore builds on and advances these debates by engaging in recent research on the emotional and embodied dimensions of"tourism gaze"and tourism experience. Many scholars have acknowledged that the consumption of place in tourism context is not a singular process of"tourism gaze"but rather an embodied and emotional encounter and interaction between body and place. However, there is still limited attention that has been paid to exploring how embodiment theory can provide new understanding of place reconstruction in tourism studies. This paper therefore captures how the embodied experience of tourists shapes the complex and diverse relationship between tourism place and people in Wuyuan, China. This paper first reviews the literature on the tourism and place and highlight the role of embodied experience in place reconstruction. Then, we use qualitative methods including interview, online ethnography and grounded theory to investigate and analyze the embodied experience of tourists in Wuyuan.We suggest that the emotional tensions and discrepancies between tourists’ place imagination and the"actually existing"embodied experience they encountered were a crucial force that facilitates the place reconstruction of Wuyuan tourism destination. In order to meet tourists’ romantic imagination and to improve tourists’ embodied experience, Wuyuan government reconstructed the landscape and"placeness"of Wuyuan so as to achieve place-promotion in broader scales. However, this also resulted in the"delocalisation"and standardisation of place in order to fit within the modern tourism industry.That is, the newly constructed place was disconnected from the history and memory of Wuyuan.However, as tourists’ embodied experience evolved from the consumption of landscape to the consumption of the situated experience of everyday life, Wuyuan was undergoing a new wave of"relocalisation"that emphasized the true rurality. In general, Wuyuan was experiencing a process of"localisation-delocalisation-relocalisation"driven by tourists’ changing embodied experience. In sum,this paper therefore highlights the consumption of emotional and embodied experience as the driving force in shaping the dynamics of place reconstruction.
作者 曾丽 高权 陈晓亮 ZENG Li;GAO Quan;CHEN Xiaoliang(College of History,Culture and Tourism,Jiangxi Normal University,Nanchang 330022,China;UNESCO International Center for Space Technology of Natural and Cultural Heritage(HIST)Nanchang Branch,Nanchang 330022,China;School of Geography and Planning,Sun Yat-Sen University,Guangzhou 510006,China;Center for Human Geography and Urban Development,School of Geography and Remote Sensing,Guangzhou University,Guangzhou 510006,China;Guangdong Provincial Center for Urban and Migration Studies,Guangzhou 510006,China)
出处 《旅游学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第11期69-79,共11页 Tourism Tribune
基金 国家自然科学基金项目“情感视角下传统乡村旅游地的地方重构过程研究——婺源案例”(41961026)资助。
关键词 乡村旅游地 地方重构 游客 具身体验 婺源 rural tourism destination place reconstruction tourists embodied paradigm Wuyuan
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