
南海IUU捕捞:概念界定、治理依据及制度设计 被引量:2

IUU Fishing in the South China Sea:Its Definition, Governance Basis and Institutional Design
摘要 南海IUU捕捞的显著危害不仅直接损害着南海渔民的合法权益,还将威胁我国的海上主权和领土完整。为适应新形势下国家在地区和全球事务治理中的角色转变,完善南海治理,包括对南海IUU捕捞的治理,成为了我国需要关注的重点议题。有效打击南海IUU捕捞活动,首先需要在中国语境下对其有一个清晰的认识。同时,要充分认识到《联合国海洋法公约》和《港口国措施协定》对我国开展南海IUU捕捞治理的重要性,前者将为我国的治理提供最根本的国际法依据,后者的"港口国措施"和"信息交换和共享机制"则将为我国具体治理措施的设计提供参考。整体上看,我国南海IUU捕捞的治理制度应当在国家宏观计划的指导下,紧扣南海IUU捕捞的概念界定,从"监管外国IUU捕捞渔船"和"保障我国南海渔民权益"两个层面展开。在第一个层面,要推动制定渔船信息报送制度,并加强《海警法》下的海上执法力度。在第二个层面,可以在常态化护渔机制之下,探索建立以捕捞许可证为中心的申请、退出、流转制度,鼓励我国南海渔民开展作业。 The notable harm of illegal,unreported and unregulated(IUU) fishing in the South China Sea not only directly damages the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese fishermen,but also threatens China’ s maritime sovereignty and territorial integrity.In order to adapt to China’ s new role in the governance of regional and global affairs under the current situations,improving the governance of the South China Sea,inclusive of the governance of IUU fishing,has become a key issue worth China’ s attention.To effectively combat IUU fishing activities in the South China Sea,it primarily requires a clear understanding of this issue in the Chinese context.At the same time,it is necessary to fully realize the importance of The United Nations Convenion on the Law of the Sea and The Agreement on Port State Measures.The former legal document provides a fundamental legal basis for China’s governance while the latter one,whose main content focuses on ’ port state measures" and "information exchanging and sharing mechanism",provides an important reference for the design of China’ s specific governance measures.On the whole,macroscopically guided by the national plan,the governance of IUU fishing in the South China Sea should closely follow the concept of IUU fishing in the South China Sea,and work from the levels of regulating IUU fishing vessels and protecting rights and interests of Chinese fishermen.On the first level,it is supposed to formulate an information reporting system of fishing vessels and strengthen the maritime enforcement under the Coast Guard Law.On the second level,it is suggested to establish a system of application,withdrawal,and transfer centered on the fishing licenses so as to encourage Chinese fishermen to carry out fishing activities under the normal mechanism of fishery protection.
作者 王玫黎 陈雨 WANG Mei-li;CHEN Yu(School of International Law,Southwest University of Political Science and Law,Chongqing 401120,China)
出处 《海南大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2021年第6期9-20,共12页 Journal of Hainan University (Humanities & Social Sciences)
基金 国家社会科学基金资助项目(19VHQ010) 重庆市研究生科研创新项目(CYS20170 CYS21184) 重庆市教委科技项目(KJZD-K202000302)。
关键词 南海渔业资源 IUU捕捞 区域渔业管理组织 港口国治理 fishery resource in the South China Sea IUU fishing regional fishery management organization port state governance
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