
美国现行贸易政策对我国科技发展的影响及其应对 被引量:2

The Impact of the Current Trade Policy of the United States on China's Scientific and Technological Development and its Countermeasures
摘要 美国现行贸易政策形成的根本原因,是在中美竞争格局背景下,中国的巨大进步,尤其是高新技术方面的进步,使美国意识到其对中国在技术方面的比较优势正逐步减弱,由此产生了必须遏制中国发展、保持自己领先优势的一种战略判断。美国认为,中国知识产权保护不力、关税过高等因素导致了中美之间有形商品领域的贸易顺差,但实际情况并非如此。中美竞争态势加剧后,美国的相关政策对货物贸易领域造成的影响并不明显,但对中国科技领域造成的影响却较为显著,尤其对学术领域的人才交流影响非常大。对此可以采取的对策有:在国际层面,从全球化背景下人类对公共问题的解决出发,推动践行“构建人类命运共同体”理念,推进“一带一路”倡议,拓展中国对外贸易合作空间,维护贸易多边主义,提倡合作共赢,获取道德的制高点,在新时代国际经贸规则形成和发展中起引领作用。在国内层面,加强创新能力提升,特别是通过制度设计,将最优秀的人才吸引到基础研发和基础设备制造行业中来,以获得更多核心技术;完善外商投资制度,剔除不安全外商投资,吸引优质外国资本进入中国,提高外商投资质量,以带来技术和管理水平的提升。 The fundamental reason for the formation of the current US.trade policy of Sino-US competition pattern is that in the face of China's continuous development,especially the progress of high and new technology,the United States has realized that its comparative advantage over China in technology is weakening which results in the idea of curbing China's high and new technology development,The United States believes that China's weak protection of intellectual property rights and high tariffs have led to a trade surplus in tangible goods between China and the United States,but this is not the case.After the intensification of Sino-US competition,the relevant policies of the United States have no obvious impact on the field of goods trade,but they have a certain impact on China's scientific and technological development and have a great impact on the talent exchange in the academic field.In response to this situation,the following countermeasures shall be taken:at international level,starting from solution of the global public problems faced by mankind under globalization,we shall promote the practice of the concept of building a community with a shared future for mankind,advance the implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative,expand the space for China's foreign trade cooperation,safeguard trade multilateralism,and advocate win-win cooperation;gain the commanding heights of morality,and play a leading role in the formation and development of international economic and trade rules in the new era.At the national level,we shall strengthen the improvement of innovation ability,especially through system design and reformation,try the best to attract the best talents to the basic R&D and basic equipment manufacturing industries,so as to obtain more core technologies;improve the foreign investment system,attract highquality foreign capital into China and eliminate unsafe foreign investment,and improve the quality of foreign investment,so as to improve the technology a nd management level.
作者 马忠法 Ma Zhongfa(Fudan University,Shanghai 200438,China)
机构地区 复旦大学法学院
出处 《贵州省党校学报》 2021年第6期38-46,共9页 Journal of Guizhou Provincial Party School
基金 国家社科基金重大项目“构建人类命运共同体国际法治创新研究”(项目批准号:18ZDA153) 国家社科基金重点项目“‘人类命运共同体’国际法理论与实践研究”(项目批准号:18AFX025)的阶段性研究成果。
关键词 中美竞争 美国现行贸易政策 构建人类命运共同体 高科技发展 Sino-US competition current US trade policy building a community with a shared future for mankind high-tech development
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