Government regulation plays an important role in the governance system of internet rumors,especially in the context of novel coronavirus pneumonia,this important role is more prominent.Based on the fact that internet rumors have escaped the scope of freedom of speech and the need to protect public interests,the government has a legitimate basis for regulating internet rumors.However,internet rumors that can be included in government regulation are not equal to traditional rumors in scope,provided that they have prescriptive factors.By combing the cognitions and regulations of internet rumors in the theoretical circles and legal texts,the paper finds that the scope of internet rumors generally includes false,unfounded,unofficial authoritative sources and unconfirmed information.Due to the uncertainty of the authenticity of"information from unofficial authoritative sources"and"unconfirmed information",it is not suitable to be directly included in the scope of internet rumors regulated by the government,but its legal boundaries need to be further clarified.Taking this kind of uncertain information as the object of regulation,the government should adopt a modest attitude.We should be carefully intervened not only on the basis of compliance with the principle of legal reservation,proportionality and due process,but also considering the factors such as the information publisher,purpose,target audience,the subjective feelings of the publisher and the disseminator,and the degree of social harm and other factors.
FENG Li(Law School,Dongbei University of Finance and Economics,Dalian 116025,China)
Journal of Dongbei University of Finance and Economics
internet rumors
novel coronavirus pneumonia
government regulation