

Analysis of Family Relationship in Long Day’s Journey into Night from the Perspective of Psychology
摘要 尤金·奥尼尔被认为是美国戏剧之父。对于美国人民而言,直到奥尼尔的出现美国才有了戏剧。尤金·奥尼尔一生中发表的所有作品都倾向于现实主义,其中最优秀的现实主义代表作是《进入黑夜的漫长旅程》。文章将从弗洛伊德心理学角度重点研究这部作品,通过分析戏剧中泰隆一家家庭成员性格,以及所呈现出的家庭关系现状,来探索这个家庭悲剧产生的原因。首先,文章试图通过分析各家庭成员的生活经历来研究他们的性格特点。詹姆斯·泰隆是一个非常爱钱和土地的人;玛丽泰隆由于不幸的婚姻而变得疯疯癫癫;一直缺乏父母关心和爱护的杰米泰隆最后变成性格有缺陷的人;相对来说,埃德蒙泰隆则比较正常,他喜欢看书,却酗酒。其次,文章着重分析泰隆这一家的家庭关系。在这部分,文章主要借助一些心理理论来研究泰隆家庭关系现状形成的原因。最后发现,其家庭悲剧的发生与各家庭成员的性格有着密不可分的联系,而家庭成员性格的形成又与其所处环境和人生经历有着极大的关联。通过研究悲剧戏剧中的家庭关系,人们将了解到发生家庭悲剧的原因。 Eugene O’Neill is widely recognized as the father of American drama,and people say that there was no drama but theater in America until Eugene O’Neill appeared.The themes of works published in his life tend to be realistic,and the best one is Long Day’s Journey into Night that this paper studies from the perspective of psychology.In order to find out the reasons why the family in the drama is wreathed in tragedies,the paper analyzes the characteristics of every family member,as well as the family relationship presented in the drama.Firstly,it tries to figure out characters of the Tyrone’s mainly through analyzing their life experiences.It is concluded that James Tyrone is a man who loves money and land most;Mary Tyrone becomes neurotic due to her unhappy marriage life;lack of love and care,Jamie Tyrone’s character is deformed;and Edmund Tyrone enjoys reading and alcohol.Secondly,it comes to the family relationship.In this part,this article focuses on finding out the causes of present condition of family relationship by means of psychology theory.Finally,there is much connection between the family relationship and each member’s characteritics.Besides,the formation of their characteristics has an intimate relation to where they lived and what they experienced.Through studying the family relationship in the tragic drama,people will know about the reasons that a family becomes a tragedy from the psychology analytic perspective.
作者 李珍梅 Li Zhenmei(School of Foreign Languages,Sichuan Technology and Business University,Meishan 620000 China)
出处 《四川工商学院学术新视野》 2021年第4期148-155,共8页 Academic New Vision of Sichuan Technology and Business University
关键词 尤金·奥尼尔 《进入黑夜的漫长旅程》 家庭关系 心理 Eugene O’Neill Long Day’s Journey into Night Family relationship Psychology
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