
美日韩三国制度型开放路径比较及其启示 被引量:7

The Institutional Opening Path of America,Japan,Korea and its Enlightenment to China
摘要 在制度开放方面,以美日韩三国为代表的经济体一直走在前列,这些国家积极推进高标准贸易投资协定的签署,在新一轮国际经贸规则体系构建中更加关注知识产权保护、政府采购、竞争中立、数字贸易等新议题。中国是开放速度最快、开放领域最广、开放政策最多的国家之一,也是在向经济高质量发展转型的关键时期主动推动制度开放的发展中大国,在未来推动制度开放方面面临前所未有的挑战。通过比较主要经济体制度开放演进历程,借鉴主要经济体制度开放进程采取的经验做法,有助于中国从国内制度层面进行系统性改革,在自贸试验区进行探索试验,做好风险测试和压力测试,奠定参与国际经济规则制定的基础。 Developed economies represented by the United States,Europe,and Japan have been at the forefront in terms of institutional opening. These countries have actively promoted the signing of high-standard trade and in-vestment agreements, and are paying more attention to the construction of international economic and trade rules.New topics such as intellectual property protection, government procurement, competition neutrality, and digital trade.China is one of the countries with the fastest speed of opening up, the widest open fields, and the most open policies. It is also the largest developing country that actively promotes institutional opening during the critical period of its owntransformation to high-quality economic development. It faces unprecedented opportunities and challenges in promoting institutional opening. By comparing the evolution process of the system opening of major economies and learning from the experience and practices adopted in the process of system opening of major economies, it is conducive for China to carry out systematic reforms from the domestic system level, conduct exploration experiments in the free trade pilot zone, and do a good job of risk testing and pressure The test lays the foundation for my country’ sparticipation in the fo rmulation of international economic rules.
作者 季剑军 Ji Jian-jun
出处 《亚太经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第6期71-77,共7页 Asia-Pacific Economic Review
基金 国家社科基金青年项目“新时代中国服务业外资准入负面清单管理路径优化研究”(18CJL038)阶段性成果。
关键词 美国 日本 韩国 制度型开放 规律性 America Japan Korea Institutional Openness Regularity
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