
基于离散元法的立轴冲击式破碎机的破碎仿真 被引量:5

Simulation of Vertical Shaft Impact Crusher Crushing Process Based on Discrete Element Method
摘要 为了提高成品砂的品质,对立轴冲击式破碎机进行破碎仿真。通过仿真分析颗粒在立轴冲击式破碎机中瞬态的破碎过程以及破碎原因,探究转子直径、转子转速、入料粒径和入料量分别对颗粒甩出速度、破碎率和转子功率的影响规律,绘制颗粒甩出速度与破碎率之间的关系曲线,并验证仿真结果的可靠性。仿真结果表明:颗粒被转子加速后甩向破碎腔壁面并发生破碎,这是因为高速运动的颗粒与破碎腔壁面之间、颗粒与颗粒之间发生剧烈碰撞;破碎率随着转子转速和转子直径的增大而提高,随着入料量的增加而降低,随着入料粒径的增大先提高后降低;转子功率随着转子转速、转子直径和入料量的增大而大幅增大,而入料粒径对转子功率基本无影响;破碎率与颗粒甩出速度成正比关系,即破碎率随着颗粒甩出速度的增加而增加;仿真转子功率与实际转子功率基本吻合。以破碎率为首要指标,仿真过程中转子转速1600 r/min、转子直径1100 mm、入料粒径30 mm、入料量160 t/h为最优组合参数。 In order to improve the quality of sand product,the crushing process of the vertical shaft impact crusher was simulated.The transient crushing process of the vertical shaft impact crusher and the reason of particle breakage were analyzed;and the influence laws of different rotor diameters,rotor speeds,feed particle sizes and feed rates on the velocity of particle ejection,crushing rate and rotor power were investigated.In addition,the relationship between velocity of particle ejection and crushing rate was analyzed and the reliability of the simulation results was verified.The results show that particles could be accelerated by the rotor and thrown towards the wall of the crushing chamber,not only the violent collision between the high-speed particles and the wall of the crushing chamber,but also the violent collision between different particles make the particles broken up after being thrown out.With the increase of rotor speed and rotor diameter,the crushing rate increased;while with increase of the feed rate,the crushing rate decreased;with the increase of feed particle size,the crushing rate increased at first and then decreased.In addition,with the increase of rotor speed,rotor diameter and feed rate,the rotor power would increase greatly while the feeding particle size had no effect on rotor power;the simulation rotor power was basically consistent with the actual rotor power.Considering the crushing rate comprehensively,when rotor speed was 1600 r/min,rotor diameter was 1100 mm,feed particle was 30 mm and feed rate was 160 t/h,this set of parameters was optimal in this paper.
作者 贺占蜀 余金龙 陈江义 杨聪俐 刘万辉 吉宏志 HE Zhanshu;YU Jinlong;CHEN Jiangyi;YANG Congli;LIU Wanhui;JI Hongzhi(School of Mechanical and Power Engineering, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001, China;Henan Liming Heavy Industry Technology Co., Ltd., Zhengzhou 450001, China)
出处 《郑州大学学报(工学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2021年第6期55-60,共6页 Journal of Zhengzhou University(Engineering Science)
基金 河南省重点研发与推广专项项目(202102110113) 郑州市重大科技创新专项(2019CXZX0053)。
关键词 立轴冲击式破碎机 离散元法 破碎率 转子功率 颗粒甩出速度 vertical shaft impact crusher discrete element method crushing rate rotor power velocity of particle ejection
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