
广东省专业镇发展的时空演变规律及镇域就业密度分析 被引量:1

Analyzing spatiotemporal dynamics and employment density of specialized towns:a case study of Guangdong Province
摘要 专业镇是促进县域经济崛起和实现区域高质量发展的重要载体.该文主要以广东省专业镇为例,采用地理信息系统空间分析技术研究工业专业镇、农业专业镇和服务专业镇的时空演变过程,重点分析专业镇布局的边缘特征和聚类特征,并从就业密度视角解析镇域经济发展与专业镇空间集群的空间关系,提出政策启示.主要研究结论如下:1)广东省60.6%的专业镇主要为工业专业镇,且主要分布在经济较为发达的珠三角和粤东地区,而农业专业镇主要分布在欠发达的粤北地区,服务专业镇数量最少;2)广东省专业镇的空间布局符合空间界面理论,在空间上主要形成了珠三角集群、江门—佛山—中山集群和东莞集群,呈现出“雁群效应”;3)广东省就业空间呈现出多中心态势,镇域就业密度具有显著的空间集聚性,高—高集聚区主要分布在珠三角和粤东地区,与专业镇的空间集群具有较强的空间一致性,而低—低集聚区主要分布在河源、韶关、清远等粤北地区.最后提出了强化对口帮扶和跨区域合作机制、建立健全产业链协同创新机制、以现代科技促进农业专业镇发展等政策建议. The specialized town is an important carrier to promote county-level economy and high-quality regional development.With the case study of all specialized towns in Guangdong,this paper mainly employs geospatial analysis to examine their spatiotemporal dynamics of industrial,agricultural and service specialized towns,emphasizes the boundary effect and clustering features and then analyzes the spatial relation between township-level economy and the clusters of specialized towns from the perspective of employment density.Results are concluded as follows.1)60.6%of specialized towns in Guangdong are mainly industrial towns and are distributed in highly-developed Pearl River Delta and the eastern region of Guangdong.However,the agricultural specialized towns are mainly located in the less-developed areas like the northeastern part of Guangdong while the number of service specialized towns is the least.2)The spatial layout of specialized towns in Guangdong conforms to the spatial interface theory.There are totally three spatial clusters,namely the Pearl River Delta,Jiangmen-Foshan-Zhongshan cluster and Dongguan cluster.The spatial development of specialized towns demonstrates the“geese swarm effect”.3)The layout of employment density in Guangdong reveals a polycentric pattern.The township-level employment density demonstrates a significant spatial agglomeration.High-high cluster is mainly located in the Pearl River Delta and the eastern region,which has strong spatial consistency with the spatial clusters of specialized towns.Low-low cluster is manly distributed in the northeastern region like Heyuan,Shaoguan and Qingyuan.Finally,this paper proposes some policy implications such as strengthening cross-regional cooperation mechanisms,establishing industrial chain collaboration system and using modern technology to develop specialized towns.
作者 贺三维 甘杨旸 叶文敏 梅磊 HE Sanwei;GAN Yangyang;YE Wenming;MEI Lei(School of Public Administration, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Wuhan 430073, China;Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China;School of Intelligent Manufacturing, Jianghan University, Wuhan 430056, China)
出处 《华中师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第6期1065-1072,共8页 Journal of Central China Normal University:Natural Sciences
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(41601162,42071207).
关键词 专业镇 时空演变 边缘效应 就业密度 广东省 specialized towns spatiotemporal dynamics boundary effect employment density Guangdong
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