
建设革命家务--以抗日战争时期陕甘宁边区“学陈敏运动”为中心的考察 被引量:4

Establishing Revolutionary Households:An Investigation Centered on the“Learning from Chen Min Movement”in the Shaan-Gan-Ning Border Region during the Chinese War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression
摘要 在大生产运动和精兵简政的背景下,抗日战争时期的陕甘宁边区掀起了一场轰轰烈烈的"学陈敏运动"。基于劳动英雄模范评选、"算账"和劳动竞赛、"制定个人生产计划",共产党实现了对家属妇女的生产动员。此外,"学陈敏运动"还包含着"组织起来"的治理诉求。在这一过程中,家属妇女劳动的技术、经济和政治价值被直接承认。在"学陈敏运动"的生产动员和组织中,共产党提出"建设革命家务"的话语塑造和制度安排。嵌套着公私结构的"革命家务"包含三个层面内涵:首先,革命家务不仅指革命组织及边区财政和物资的生产和积累,更隐喻着革命事业;其次,革命家务中的"公家"是一个嵌套包含"大公家"和"小公家"的多维差序制度结构,尤其"小公家"为革命家务话语的建构提供了制度基础;最后,将传统的个人家务甚至"养娃娃"定义为革命家务,"家属"在革命序列中有了获得身份和价值的可能。但革命家务内部存在着张力,为此,共产党将"公家外婆"和"革命友爱"的情感装置揉入公私关系和结构。建设"革命家务"为革命家属的身心安置奠定了情感和日常基础,更进一步通过"对于群众的义务"完成了对革命事业的追寻。延安时期对于家属的动员和组织以及个人、"小公家"和"大公家"嵌套结构的革命家务意涵和制度的生成,为中华人民共和国成立后家属和家属劳动的制度安排提供着早期的探索和参考。 In the context of the Great Production Movement and the wave of personnel downsizing in military and administrative offices,a movement of"Learning from Chen Min"was set off in the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region during the Chinese War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression.The Communist Party called on women to participate in production through selections of labor heroes,"practicing balancing the books"and labor competition,and"making individual production plans".The Movement made inroads in governance by calling on women to"get organized."In this process,there was an attempt to recognize the technical,economic and political value of the family dependents’labour through the construction of revolutionary household discourse.The revolutionary household contained three levels of meaning.Firstly,revolutionary household not only referred to the production and accumulation of finances and materials,but also implied the revolutionary cause.Secondly,the notion of"public household"was a multi-dimensional and differential structure that was above the"big public household"and the"minor public household".In particular,the"minor public household"provided an institutional basis for the construction of revolutionary household discourse.Thirdly,individual household responsibilities such as"raising a baby"were defined as revolutionary household responsibility,making it a possibility for women to gain identity and value in the ranks of revolution.However,there were tensions in the revolutionary household.When the Communist Party interjected the emotional expressions of"public grandmothers"and"revolutionary comradeship"in the public-private relationship and structure,revolutionary household laid the emotional and daily basis for the body and mind of women who were revolutionary family dependent.Furthermore,the expression of"obligation to the masses"shaped the understanding of the revolutionary cause.The mobilization and organization of women as family dependents and the institutionalization of ideology of the revolutionary household composed of embedded private,minor public and big public during the Yan’an period provided experimentation of and reference for establishing a labour system for women as family dependents after the founding of the People’s Republic of China.
作者 王颖 WANG Ying(School of Social Work,China Women’s University,Beijing 100101,China)
出处 《妇女研究论丛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第6期111-128,共18页 Journal of Chinese Women's Studies
关键词 学陈敏运动 家属 革命家务 公家 群众 Learning from Chen Min Movement family dependents revolutionary households "public household" masses
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