
石学敏“调神”思想治脑病的临床治验浅析 被引量:7

SHI Xuemin’s Application of the Thoughts of “ Regulating Mind ” in the Treatment of Encephalopathy
摘要 [目的]浅析石学敏教授运用"调神"思想辨治脑病的经验。[方法]通过跟随石学敏教授门诊及病房查房,总结并分析石学敏教授"调神"思想的形成,"调神"法的机理、应用及配穴,并选取石学敏教授运用"调神"思想辨治帕金森病、前交通动脉瘤夹闭术后合并自发性蛛网膜下腔出血、脑梗死合并抑郁状态医案3则,结合历代名家相关论述,从病因病机、治则治法、选穴处方等方面对医案进行分析,进一步探讨"调神"思想。[结果]石学敏教授认为神主宰人体的生命活动,而脑主神明,调神以使昏聩的思维意识恢复到清醒状态,以保证大脑正常的运动、感觉等生理功能。以调神醒脑、开窍启闭为治疗大法,临床上可用于窍闭神妄,阳缓阴急之颤证;窍闭神匿,神不导气之中风;神气郁逆,使道闭塞之中风后抑郁等,疗效可观。[结论]石学敏教授临证运用"调神"思想辨证针刺治疗脑病,突出了脑与神的密切联系,调神思想应用的广泛性,值得推广学习。 [Objective] To analyze Professor SHI Xuemin’s experience in differentiating and treating encephalopathy by using the thought of"regulating mind". [Methods] By following Professor SHI Xuemin’s outpatient and ward rounds,this paper summarized and analyzed the formation of Professor SHI Xuemin’s thought of "regulating mind",the mechanism,application and acupoint allocation of "regulating mind"method,and selected three cases of Professor SHI Xuemin using the thought of "regulating mind"to differentiate and treat Parkinson’s disease,spontaneous subarachnoid hemorrhage after clipping of anterior communicating artery aneurysm,and cerebral infarction complicated with depression. Combined with the relevant expositions of famous experts in previous dynasties,this paper analyzed the medical records from the aspects of etiology and pathogenesis,treatment principles and acupoints,and further discussed the thought of"regulating mind". [Results] Professor SHI Xuemin believes that mind dominates the life activities of the human body,while the brain dominates the mind,regulating the mind to restore the enlightened consciousness to a conscious state,so as to ensure the normal movement,sensation and other physiological functions of the brain. The method of treatment is to refresh the mind and awaken the brain,opening and closing of orifices. Clinically,it can be used in tremor syndrome that the orifices are closed,the mind is delusional,the Yang is slow,and the Yin is urgent;stroke in which the orifices are closed and the spirit is hidden,and the spirit does not guide Qi;post-stroke depression due to depression of spirit,obstruction of road,etc. The curative effect is considerable. [Conclusion] Professor SHI Xuemin clinically uses the thought of"regulating mind"to treat encephalopathy based on syndrome differentiation,which highlights the close relationship between brain and mind,and the extensive application of mind-regulating thought,which is worth popularizing and learning.
作者 杨佳 许军峰 YANG Jia;XU Junfeng(First Teaching Hospital of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,National Clinical Research Center for Chinese Medicine Acupuncture and Moxibustion,Tianjin(300193),China)
出处 《浙江中医药大学学报》 CAS 2021年第11期1197-1200,共4页 Journal of Zhejiang Chinese Medical University
关键词 调神 颤证 中风 中风后抑郁 临证经验 石学敏 名老中医 regulating the mind tremor syndrome stroke post-stroke depression clinical experience SHI Xuemin famous veteran traditional Chinese medicine doctors
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