
基于问卷调查与扎根理论探究师承教育对中医药院校临床专业型研究生职业胜任力的影响 被引量:5

Influence of Master-apprentice Education on the Professional Competence of Clinical-type Postgraduates in Traditional Chinese Medicine Schools Based on Questionnaire Survey and Grounded Theory
摘要 [目的]以北京中医药大学为例,探究中医药院校现行师承教育模式对临床专业型研究生职业胜任力的影响。[方法]采用问卷调查法初步了解师承教育指导专家和临床专业型在读研究生关于师承教育对职业胜任力7大维度45个指标的重要性评价;并在扎根理论指导下,通过访谈深入分析现行师承教育模式存在的问题及改进策略。[结果]问卷调查结果表明,现行师承教育在帮助临床专业型研究生树立良好的职业价值观、态度、行为和伦理观以及提升临床技能方面具有重要作用,但在引导研究生了解、掌握群体健康与国际卫生系统知识以及提升信息管理能力方面的作用则较小;访谈结果反映出现行师承教育存在文化自信欠缺、形式单一、时间受限、导师水平不一及质量评价不足等问题,可通过丰富传承内容、创新传承形式、增进师生交流、提升导师素质、完善考评机制等方式进一步优化。[结论]现代师承教育在注重传承医德医风、诊疗技能、医患沟通等内容的同时,也需要引导学生在拓宽国内外视野的基础上加强文化自信,利用现代信息技术,搭建完善传承交流平台,助力中医药院校临床专业型研究生更好地满足现代社会对执业中医师的需求,实现中医药的传承与创新发展。 [Objective]Taking Beijing University of Chinese Medicine as an example,to explore the influence of current master-apprentice education on the professional competence of clinical-type postgraduates. [Methods] Questionnaire survey was used to investigate the evaluation on the importance of master-apprentice education to 45 indicators of 7 dimensions of professional competence by master-apprentice education guidance experts and clinicaltype postgraduates;and under the guidance of grounded theory,the problems existing in the current master-apprentice education and improvement strategies were analyzed through interviews. [Results] The results of the questionnaire survey showed that current master-apprentice education played an important role in helping clinical-type postgraduates to establish correct professional values,attitudes,behaviors and ethics,as well as improving clinical skills,but it was less important in guiding postgraduates to understand and master the knowledge of group health and international health system,and to improve the ability of information management. Through interviewing,some problems in current master-apprentice education were found,such as lack of cultural self-confidence,single form,limited time,different levels of tutors and insufficient quality evaluation. It can be further optimized by enriching inheritance content,innovating inheritance form,enhancing communication between teachers and students,improving quality of tutors,and improving evaluation mechanism. [Conclusion] Current master-apprentice education pays attention to inheriting medical ethics,diagnosis and treatment skills,doctor-patient communication and other contents. At the same time,it also needs to guide students to strengthen cultural self-confidence on the basis of broadening domestic and international horizons,and use modern information technology to build and improve the inheritance communication platform,which will help clinical-type postgraduates in traditional Chinese medicine schools to better meet the needs of modern society for practicing traditional Chinese medicine practitioners and realize the inheritance and innovation of the development of traditional Chinese medicine.
作者 陈一凡 李雁 李昕 曾燕鹏 邹乔 孔煜荣 陈瑜 温雅璐 蒋萍 CHEN Yifan;LI Yan;LI Xin(Beijing University of Chinese Medicine,Beijing(100029),China)
机构地区 北京中医药大学
出处 《浙江中医药大学学报》 CAS 2021年第11期1244-1251,共8页 Journal of Zhejiang Chinese Medical University
基金 国家重点研发计划项目(2018YFC1704100、2018YFC1704101) 北京中医药薪火传承“3+3”工程项目(2016-SZ-B-34、2020-SZ-A-47) 北京中医药大学研究生项目化平台校园与社会调研专题项目(2020-YL-6)。
关键词 问卷调查 扎根理论 访谈 中医药院校 师承教育 临床专业型研究生 胜任力 questionnaire survey grounded theory interview traditional Chinese medicine schools master-apprentice education clinical-type postgraduates competence
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