In 2035,China will build itself into a culturally advanced power,which is the country’s cultural development vision in the new era.Since 2004,China has started the historical process of promoting equal services of public libraries which takes realizing and safeguarding the basic cultural rights and interests and meeting the basic cultural needs of the public as the policy goal,the universal equality as the principle,the building of the service system of public libraries,especially the system of county-level central-branch libraries,as the path.This process has made historic achievements but has not been completed yet.Under the cultural development vision of the new era,the mission of the development of public libraries is to continue to achieve equal services in the whole society.To realize this vision,the goal is to build a five-level backbone network of central,provincial,prefectural,county and township,especially to improve the basic service network of township streets,and advocate doubling the service efficiency every five years,so as to enable the library service network covering the whole country to effectively play its roles in public life,social operation and national progress,among which building backbone network and realizing service systemization are the primary tasks of public libraries in the construction of a culturally advanced country.The vision of building a culturally advanced power and the new scientific and technological revolution have brought opportunities for the development of libraries.Libraries should seize the opportunities and promote intelligent transformation.However,in the process of systematization and backbone network construction,libraries are also faced with great challenges that human resources,financial and other guarantees from the government might be insufficient.It is necessary for the library industry to give full play to its roles through efficiency improvement to reflect social benefits and values,and strive for increased government investment and more participation and support from social forces.Under the new era background,especially during the"14 th five-year plan"period,the library industry should be fully prepared on self-reliance to fulfill its missions,achieve its goals,seize opportunities,respond to challenges from the aspects of professional services,management and industrial cooperation.It is the basic content of professional service and management operation that make full use of existing facilities and resources,and maximize service efficiency by subdividing public services and management.The main ideas and themes of the development of public libraries in the new era can be summarized as systemization as the external and specialization as the internal.21 refs.
Journal of Library Science in China
Culturally advanced power
Equal service
Backbone network
Intelligent transformation