
书目多样性理论研究 被引量:2

Theoretical Research on Bibliodiversity
摘要 在开放获取运动深入发展的背景下,以实现"知识平等获取""知识共享"的学术交流理想、促进本土研究发展为主旨的书目多样性(Bibliodiversity)问题逐渐受到关注。本研究采用前瞻混合方法,在已知理论和实践的基础上,梳理目前有关书目多样性的理论研究内容,从图书馆实践这一角度出发,分别从八个构面探究书目多样性与图书馆实践之间的关联。图书馆应重视并积极参与到书目多样性的构建与培育中来,重点思考八个问题:(1)利益相关者的参与;(2)学术信息交流的多重形式;(3)开放获取原则的回归;(4)文化思想记录的多样性;(5)语言及其文化的多样性;(6)分散式的基础设施服务;(7)撙节成本,善用支出;(8)学术成果评估方法的多样性。图书馆应致力于参与设计一种既能促进书目多样性,又能支持国际水平研究的开放学术交流系统。表1。参考文献23。 In the context of the in-depth development of the open access movement,the issue of Bibliodiversity,which aims to realize the ideals of"equal access to knowledge"and"knowledge sharing",and to promote the development of local research has gradually attracted attention.This research adopts the foresight thought method,combing the current theoretical research content of Bibliodiversity on the basis of known theories and practices.From the perspective of library practice,it is divided into eight dimensions to explore Bibliodiversity and library practice.This study believes that libraries should pay attention to and actively participate in the construction and cultivation of Bibliodiversity,focusing on eight major issues.Libraries are committed to participate in the design of an open scholarly communication system that not only promotes Bibliodiversity,but also supports international-level research.1)The participation of stakeholders.Bibliodiversity requires extensive opinions and joint construction of stakeholders.Stakeholders can include:researchers,policy makers,funders,service providers,universities/research institutions,libraries,etc.2)The multiple forms,channels and functions of academic information exchange.Bibliodiversity requires multiple forms of academic information exchange.Promoting Bibliodiversity means providing broader communication channels and methods and promoting the diversity of scholarly communication.3)The return of the principle of open access.Paying attention to Bibliodiversity means that the original principles and essential needs of the open access movement need to be re-examined,that is,giving equal emphasis to Gold OA and Green OA.4)Various recording possibilities of cultural thoughts.Bibliodiversity requires attention to the inclusiveness of multiple cultures and ideas.Libraries should be aware of the need of non-mainstream thoughts,texts and information with the possibility of preservation and access.5)Diversity of languages and cultures.Bibliodiversity requires the participation of multilingual academic research.A good academic communication system must not only support the international dissemination of academic thoughts,but also take into account the social needs of the local area,and at the same time not damage the research characteristics of the subject by language restrictions.6)Decentralized infrastructure services.Bibliodiversity is not only reflected in the diversity of the bibliography itself,but also in the decentralization of the infrastructure and corresponding services developed around the bibliography,that is,the infrastructure and services of academic publishing should not be concentrated in a few oligarchs and should not be controlled by a few companies in the publishing industry.7)Saving costs and making good use of expenditures.Cultivating Bibliodiversity requires libraries to change the existing procurement funding model and jump out of the publisher’s"Big Deal"strategy.8)Diversity of evaluation methods for academic achievements.The narrow reliance on journal-based evaluation methods hinders Bibliodiversity to a certain extent.Libraries are committed to participate in the design of an open scholarly communication system that not only promotes Bibliodiversity,but also supports international-level research.1 tab.23 refs.
作者 李海博 顾立平 聂华 LI Haibo;KU Liping;NIE Hua
出处 《中国图书馆学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第6期96-104,共9页 Journal of Library Science in China
基金 国家社会科学基金项目“开放科学环境中数据馆员服务模式研究”(编号:21BTQ005)的研究成果之一。
关键词 书目 书目多样性 学术交流 开放获取 文化多样性 Bibliography Bibliodiversity Scholarly communication Open access Cultural diversity
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