目的:采用3D打印水凝胶技术制作微小仿真血管,以此为基础,研发一种显微外科训练教具,并评估其教学效果和适用性。方法:利用3D打印水凝胶技术制作微小血管,设计管路连接系统、血液循环泵等部件,研制出显微外科仿真训练教具。从空军军医大学口腔医院口腔颌面外科选择10名具有丰富显微外科经验的教师,试用新教具,通过问卷打分形式评价其与传统显微外科训练教具之间的差别。选择24名口腔医学专业第五年实习学生,随机分为对照组和实验组,每组12人,对照组学员用传统的橡皮片、软质胶管为教具进行训练,实验组学员用新教具进行训练,共训练10 d,2 h/d;训练结束后,2组学员均以吻合小鼠颈动脉进行考核打分。通过问卷调查、考核成绩评估教具使用的实用性与教学效果。采用SPSS 19.0软件包对数据进行统计学处理。结果:成功研发出一套以3D打印水凝胶血管为核心,带有液体循环系统的新型显微外科训练教具。对10名教师的问卷结果显示,新教具在实用性、科学性方面优于传统教具,实验组学员的考核成绩显著高于对照组(P<0.05)。结论:基于3D打印水凝胶血管技术研发的仿真显微外科训练教具实用性强、成本低,教学效果优于传统教学模式,值得推广应用。
PURPOSE:To develop a novel microsurgical training tool based on 3 D printed hydrogel and evaluate its practicality and teaching effectiveness.METHODS:A series of micro-vessels were designed and produced with hydrogel by 3 D printing technology and were loaded into a piping connection system with pump and other components to compose a set of microsurgical training tool;then 10 senior microsurgeons who had rich clinical teaching experience in microsurgery were selected to evaluate the differences between this new teaching aid and the traditional teaching instruments by ques-tionnaire.Another 24 interns who were in the 5 th year program of stomatology were randomly divided into the control group and the experimental group.The interns in the control group were trained for anastomosis skill twice a day by tradi-tional instrument for 10 days,while the interns in experimental group were trained by the novel teaching tool.Then the two groups of students were given a test of microsurgery skill by doing anastomosis with rat carotid artery.Each intern’s capacity of microsurgery was scored to compare the effectiveness of this novel teaching tool with the traditional one.The data were analyzed with SPSS 19.0 software package.RESULTS:A set of novel microsurgery training aid with 3 D printed hydrogel blood vessels as the core was developed.The questionnaire results of 10 senior microsurgeons showed that this new teaching aid was more practical,scientific and effective than the traditional one.The score of the interns in the experimental group was significantly higher than that of the control group(P<0.05).CONCLUSIONS:This set of teaching aid for microsurgery based on 3 D printing hydrogel vascular technology is highly practical,scientific in design,convenient in use and economic in cost.Its effect in actual clinical teaching practice of microsurgery is obviously better than the traditional teaching model,indicating that this novel teaching aid is convenient for standardized training and worthy of wide application.
YANG Yong;DING Ming-chao;YANG Tao;LIU Yi-wen;LU Jin-biao;TIAN Lei(Department of Maxillofacial Trauma and Orthognathic Surgery,State Key Laboratory of Military Stomatology&National Clinical Research Center for Oral Diseases&Shaanxi International Joint Research Center for Oral Diseases,School of Stomatology,Air Force Military Medical University,Xi'an 710032;Department of Head and Neck Tumor Surgery,School of Stomatology,Air Force Military Medical University,Xi'an 71003,Shanxi,Province,China)
China Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery