

Variation and Weight Analysis of Soil Nutrient Content in Different Planting Areas of Spring Wheat in Ningxia
摘要 对吴忠、灵武、永宁望洪和连湖试验区种植的春小麦生育期土壤养分含量变化进行分析,并以熵值法进行权重分析,确定有机质、碱解氮、速效钾、有效磷、pH值、全盐,以及微量元素铁、锰、锌、铜对小麦生长发育的影响程度。结果表明:不同区域土壤中元素的影响力不同,吴忠试验区土壤养分权重较大的是微量元素铜、锌和铁,灵武试验区土壤养分权重较大的是有效磷、锌和铁,永宁试验区土壤养分权重较大的是有效锌和磷,连湖地区权重排名前三的依次是有效磷、钾和铁。 Effect of soil organic matter,available nitrogen,available potassium,available phosphorus,pH value total salt,Fe,Mn,Zn and Cu on wheat planted in Wuzhong City,Lingwu City,Wanghong Town of Yongning Country and Lianhu experimental areas of Ningxia were studied.The change of soil nutrient content in different areas were compared and weight analysis was carried out.The results show that the effect of elements in different regions is different.The most important elements are Cu,Zn and Fe in Wuzhong experimental area and available phosphorus,Zn and Fe are the most important nutrients in soil in Lingwu experimental area and in Yongning experimental area,available zinc and phosphorus are the most important nutrients.The top three weights in Lianhu area are available phosphorus,potassium and Fe.
作者 杨春霞 开建荣 王彩艳 王芳 闫玥 李彩虹 李淑玲 张艳 夏学智 Yang Chunxia;Kai Jianrong;Wang Caiyan;Wang Fang;Yan Yue;Li Caihong;Li Shuling;Zhang Yan;Xia Xuezhi(Quality Standards and Testing Institute of Agricultural Technology,Yinchuan,Ningxia 750002;Service Center for Introducing Forestry and Animal Husbandry Technology,Ningxia Agricultural Reclamation Management Bureau,Yinchuan,Ningxia 750021)
出处 《宁夏农林科技》 2021年第8期45-47,F0002,共4页 Journal of Ningxia Agriculture and Forestry Science and Technology
基金 宁夏农林科学院先导资金项目(NKYG-19-09)。
关键词 种植区域 土壤养分 含量变化 权重分析 Planting area Soil nutrient Content change Weight analysis
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