
PBL教学模式在《体育概论》教学中的应用 被引量:1

Application of PBL Teaching Mode in the Teaching of Introduction to Physical Education
摘要 《体育概论》课程是体育专业本科层次的一门必修课程,是体育学本科专业人才培养方案中的一门基础性课程,也是大学生全面了解体育与体育学的指导性课程。由于该课程是理论思想性课程,体育专业学生存在“重技术轻理论”、传统教学模式下以教师讲授为主,学生被动听讲、学习动力和积极性不足等问题。针对上述问题,该文对《体育概论》课程的基础性、思想性、指导性和人文性等特点进行了分析;其次,在对PBL教学模式构成要素问题、教师、学生、反思解读的基础上,将PBL教学模式创造性地运用到《体育概论》课程教学活动中;最后,提出要注意问题的难度、问题的现实性和注意课堂管理。目的是充分利用问题在教学中的引导作用,发挥教师在教学中的主导作用的同时,充分调动学生学习的主动性、能动性和创造性,为提高教学质量服务。 Introduction to Physical Education is a compulsory course at the undergraduate level of physical education major.It is a basic course in the talent training program of physical education major,and also a guiding course for college students to fully understand physical education and physical education.Because this course is a theoretical and ideological course,there are some problems for physical education students,such as"attaching importance to technology and neglecting theory",focusing on teachers'teaching under the traditional teaching mode,students'passive listening,low learning motivation and enthusiasm.In view of the above problems,this paper analyzes the basic,ideological,instructive and humanistic characteristics of the course Introduction to Physical Education.Secondly,the PBL teaching model is creatively applied to the teaching activities of Introduction to Physical Education based on the analysis of the problems,teachers,students and reflection of the components of PBL teaching model.Finally,we should pay attention to the difficulty of the problem,the reality of the problem and the classroom management.Its purpose is to make full use of the guiding role of questions in teaching,play the leading role of teachers in teaching,at the same time,fully mobilize the initiative,initiative and creativity of stu‐dents to improve the quality of teaching service.
作者 周桂琴 ZHOU Guiqin(School of Physical Education,Guangdong University of Education,Guangzhou,Guangdong Province,510303 China)
出处 《当代体育科技》 2021年第32期15-20,55,共7页 Contemporary Sports Technology
基金 2020年度校级“课程思政”“四个一”试点建设项目(sdkc-2021)。
关键词 PBL 教学模式 体育概论 学生 PBL Teaching mode Introduction to Physical Education Students
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