
骶尾部藏毛窦3种切口方式的疗效对比分析 被引量:4

Comparison on Effects of Three Incision Patterns for Treating Sacrococcygeal Pilonidal Sinus
摘要 为探讨骶尾部藏毛窦3种不同切口处理方法的临床效果,选取本院收治的35例骶尾部藏毛窦患者,随机分为开放组11例、缝合组15例和岛状组9例。开放组采用窦道切除创腔开放处理,缝合组采用窦道切除创腔缝合处理,岛状组采用窦道切除褥式缝合联合间断缝合处理。对比分析3组手术时间、住院时间、创面愈合时间、术后并发症及复发情况。结果显示,3组在手术时间方面比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);在住院时间和切口愈合时间上,开放组明显长于其它2组(P <0.05);在疼痛评分方面,岛状组明显优于其它2组(P <0.05);在并发症和复发方面,缝合组的发生率明显高于其它2组(P<0.05)。结果表明,骶尾部藏毛窦手术应视情况,尽可能的保留皮岛或皮桥,对促进愈合,减少并发症的发生及提高疗效具有积极意义。 This study was to investigate the clinical efficacy,randomly divided 35 sacrococcygeal pilonidal sinus(SCPS)patients treated in author’s hospital into open group(11 cases,received resection of sinus tract&open management of trauma cavity),suture group(15 cases,resection of sinus tract &suture of trauma cavity),and island group(9 cases,resection of sinus tract,and cotton-padded shaped suture &interrupted suture);then,compared operating time,hospitalization stay,wound-surface healing time,and postoperative complication,as well as recurrence status between the three groups.As results,in operating time there was no statistical difference between the three groups(P >0.05);in the time of hospitalization,of wound healing,open group was significantly longer than rest two groups(P <0.05);in the pain rating,island group was superior to rest two groups(P <0.05);in complication and recurrence incidence of suture group was significantly higher than rest two groups(P <0.05).Results show that for treating SCPC,amidst surgery,it should be preserving skin-tag as possible as according to concrete status which has active significance to promoting healing,reducing complication,and enhancing effect.
作者 吴揭 陈艳 刘敏 陈继贵 程乔 段洪 WU Jie;CHEN Yan;LIU Min;CHEN Ji-gui;CHENG Qiao;DUAN Hong(Songzi City's Hospital of TCM,Hubei 434200;Wuhan City's 8th Hospital,Hubei 430010)
出处 《中国肛肠病杂志》 2021年第9期54-55,共2页 Chinese Journal of Coloproctology
关键词 骶尾部藏毛窦 切口 效果 Sacrococcygeal pilonidal sinus Incision Efficacy
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