
双肢消能摇摆柱受力机理及应用于混凝土框架的减震性能 被引量:1

Mechanism and application of dual energy-dissipative rocking columns in RC frames for seismic mitigation
摘要 针对钢筋混凝土框架结构在强震作用下出现薄弱层破坏的问题,提出了能够防止框架结构发生薄弱层破坏的消能减震构件,即双肢消能摇摆柱。在构件层面,通过分析受力机理,提出了双肢消能摇摆柱在侧向荷载作用下的弹性理论分析模型和弹塑性等效分析模型,并采用足尺试验结果及精细有限元分析结果对所提模型进行了验证,表明双肢消能摇摆柱具有良好的滞回耗能及刚度连续特性。在结构体系层面,通过纯混凝土框架与双肢消能摇摆柱-框架的动力弹塑性时程响应结果对比,表明利用双肢消能摇摆柱可较好地减轻混凝土框架结构的最大地震层间位移响应,并抑制混凝土框架结构的层间变形集中,从而防止潜在的地震作用下混凝土框架结构的薄弱层破坏。 An innovative passive seismic control system of dual energy-dissipative rocking columns(EDRC)was proposed to mitigate seismic response and prevent weak story failure of reinforced concrete(RC)frames.At component level,based on analysis of force transfer mechanism,an equivalent linear numerical model and an equivalent elasto-plastic numerical model of the EDRC under lateral loads were proposed and validated by full-scale experimental and refined finite element analysis results.The results show that dual EDRC have good energy dissipation and continuous stiffness performance.At structural system level,the dynamic elasto-plastic time history analysis was conducted on a model of RC frame and a model of RC frame adopting the EDRC as the seismic passive control system.The results show that the EDRC can well reduce the maximum inter-story drift response under earthquakes and also mitigate the localization of inter-story drift of RC frames,so as to prevent potential weak story failure of RC frames.
作者 黎燕文 李国强 LI Yanwen;LI Guoqiang(College of Civil Engineering,Tongji University,Shanghai 200092,China;State Key Laboratory for Disaster Reduction in Civil Engineering,Tongji University,Shanghai 200092,China)
出处 《建筑结构学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第12期65-75,共11页 Journal of Building Structures
基金 国家重点研发计划(2017YFC0703607)。
关键词 混凝土框架 双肢消能摇摆柱 薄弱层破坏 受力机理 减震性能 RC frame dual energy-dissipative rocking columns weak story failure structural behaviour seismic response mitigation
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