

Anti-Collision and Around-Obstacle Technology for shale gas infill wells in Fuling Area
摘要 涪陵页岩气田经过前期产能建设及加密调整开发,初步形成了多层系开采开发格局,井网日趋密集,加密井各井段均存在较高的碰套管风险。加密井多处于页岩气压裂改造区,钻进过程中受压裂影响,易引发井下复杂情况,增加井下施工安全风险。在分析涪陵页岩气加密井防碰绕障难点的基础上开展技术攻关,制定了磁性随钻测量仪器防磁干扰的技术措施,确定了各井段防碰预警条件,提出了防碰绕障轨迹设计方法,制定了各井段防碰绕障技术。 After the early production capacity building and infill adjustment development,Fuling shale gas field has initially formed a multi-layer producing pattern,with the increasingly dense well pattern and high risk of casing collision in each well section of infill wells.The infill wells are mostly located in shale gas fracturing zones,which are affected by fracturing during drilling,easily causing complex downhole conditions and increasing safety risks in downhole operations.Based on the analysis of the difficulties in anti-collision and around obstacles in the Fuling shale gas infill wells,the technical strategies for preventing magnetic interference of magnetic LWD were formulated,the alarm conditions for anti-collision in each well section were determined,the trajectory design method and the related technology were defined for anti-collision and around obstacles in each well section.
作者 侯亮 HOU Liang(Directional Operations Center,Jianghan Logging Company,Sinopec Matrix Corporation,Wuhan,Hubei,430220,China)
出处 《江汉石油职工大学学报》 2021年第5期20-22,共3页 Journal of Jianghan Petroleum University of Staff and Workers
关键词 涪陵页岩气 防碰绕障 水平井 轨迹控制 Fuling Shale Gas Anti-Collision and Around-Obstacle Horizontal Well Trajectory Control
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