
某部官兵手机依赖现状及其影响因素 被引量:1

Current situation and influencing factors of mobile phone dependence of officers and soldiers in an army unit
摘要 目的调查某部官兵的手机依赖现状并分析其影响因素。方法 2019年10月—2020年1月,便利抽样法选取某部参训官兵340名,采用基本情况调查表、手机成瘾指数量表(mobile phone addiction index scale,MPAI)、自我控制量表(self-control scale,SCS)和社会支持量表(social support rating scale,SSRS)进行问卷调查,采用t检验、单因素方差进行分析。结果 340名官兵手机依赖总分为33.71±9.71。其中,手机依赖倾向者22名,占总人数的6.47%。分析显示,使用手机主要动机、平均每天手机使用时长、入睡前30min的主要活动、是否规律运动对官兵的手机依赖有一定影响(F/t=4.847、11.452、4.402、2.576,均P<0.05)。进一步多元线性回归分析发现,平均每天手机使用时长、入睡前30 min的主要活动、自我控制及社会支持对手机依赖有预测作用(均P<0.05)。结论某部官兵的手机依赖状况有待改善,减少平均每天手机使用时长、合理安排入睡前30min的主要活动、提升自我控制力及给予社会支持对降低手机依赖发生、进一步促进官兵身心健康具有重要意义。 Objective To investigate the current situation of mobile phone dependence among officers and soldiers in an army unit,analyze its influencing factors. Methods From October 2019 to January 2020,the convenience sampling method was used to select 340 officers and soldiers from a training department. The general information questionnaire,mobile phone addiction index(MPAI),self-control scale(SCS) and social support rating scale(SSRS) were used to conduct the questionnaire survey. The t-test and one-way variance were adopted for the analysis. Results The total score of mobile phone dependence among 340 officers and soldiers was 33.71 ±9.711. Among them,22 had the tendency to mobile phone dependence,accounting for 6.47%. The analysis showed that the main motivation for using mobile phones,the average daily time of mobile phone use,the main activities within 30 minutes before bedtime,whether they had regular exercise had a certain influence on the mobile phone dependence of officers and soldiers(F/t=4.847,11.452,4.402,2.576,all P<0.05). Further multiple linear regression analysis found that average daily time of mobile phone use,main activities within 30 minutes before bedtime,self-control and social support had predictive effect on mobile phone dependence(all P<0.05). Conclusion The situation of mobile phone dependence in officers and soldiers in an army unit needs to be improved. It is of great significance to reduce the incidence of mobile phone dependence and further promote the physical and mental health of officers and soldiers by reducing the average daily time of mobile phone use,reasonably arranging the main activities within 30 minutes before bedtime,improving self-control and giving social support.
作者 王梅 田林征 姜宁 王彬 张晴 陈玉 尼春萍 WANG Mei;TIAN Lin-zheng;JIANG Ning;WANG Bin;ZHANG Qing;CHEN Yu;NI Chun-ping(Medical Team,32752 Troops of People’s Liberation Army,Xiangyang Hubei,441123,China;School of Nursing,Air Force Medical University,Xi'an Shaanxi,710032,China)
出处 《职业与健康》 CAS 2021年第21期2951-2954,共4页 Occupation and Health
基金 军事医学创新工程专项(18CXZ021)。
关键词 官兵 手机依赖 影响因素 Officers and soldiers Mobile phone dependence Influencing factors
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