目的分析江阴市职业病的发病和分布情况,为职业病防治提供科学依据,提出合理的防治建议。方法选择2005—2020年江阴市"职业病与职业卫生信息监测系统"职业病网络报告数据,建立相关模型并进行分析。结果江阴市新发职业病患者1 401例,其中职业性尘肺病及其他呼吸系统疾病患者1 123例(占80.1%),职业性皮肤病患者97例(占6.9%),职业性眼病患者93例(占6.7%),职业性化学中毒患者50例(占3.6%),职业性耳鼻喉口腔疾病患者26例(占1.9%),物理因素所致职业病患者12例(占0.9%)。尘肺病中矽肺为主要病种;职业性皮肤病及职业性眼病以接触化学物后引起的皮肤和眼部急性损害为主,分别为95例(占97.9%)及92例(占98.9%);发生急性损伤时的接害工龄较短,工龄<1年的化学性皮肤及眼部灼伤病例数分别为32例(占33.0%)及27例(占29.0%);职业性化学中毒以急性为主(45例,占90%)。结论江阴市新发职业病以尘肺病为主,应加强对接尘作业人员建立在岗期间及脱尘后的职业健康检查机制。急性职业性化学灼伤发病时接害工龄较短,应重视短工龄员工的职业安全和危害防护的强化培训。
Objective To analyze the incidence and distribution of newly occupational diseases cases in Jiangyin City,provide scientific basis for occupational diseases prevention and control,and put forward reasonable prevention and control suggestions.Methods The occupational disease network report data in Jiangyin "Occupational Disease and Occupational Health Information Monitoring System" from 2005-2020 were selected,and the relevant model was established for analysis. Results There were 1 401 newly occupational diseases cases in Jiangyin City,including 1 123(80.1%) cases of occupational pneumoconiosis and other respiratory diseases,97(6.9%) cases of occupational skin diseases,93(6.7%) cases of occupational eye diseases,50(3.6%) cases of occupational chemical poisoning,26(1.9%) cases of occupational otolaryngological and stomatological diseases,and 12(0.9%)cases of occupational cases caused by physical factors. Among the pneumoconiosis cases,silicosis were the most common. The occupational skin diseases and occupational eye diseases were mainly caused by acute skin and eye damage after exposure to chemicals,accounting for 97.9%(95 cases) and 98.9%(92 cases) respectively. The duration of exposure was shorter when acute injury occurred,there were respectively 32(33.0%) cases and 27(29.0%) cases of chemical skin burn and eye burn with working age less than 1 year. The occupational chemical poisoning was mainly caused by acute damage(45 cases,accounting for 90%).Conclusion The newly occupational disease cases in Jiangyin City are mainly pneumoconiosis. It is necessary to establish an occupational health examination mechanism for dust-exposed workers during and after dust exposure. The length of service of acute chemical burn is relatively short,so it is necessary to pay attention to the intensive training of occupational safety and hazard protection for employees with short length of service.
ZHANG Jie;YAN Zheng;FENG Hong-yi;CHEN Ting(Institute of Occupational Disease Control,Jiangyin Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Jiangyin Jiangsu,214431,China;General Internal Medicine Department,Jiangyin Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Jiangyin Jiangsu,214400,China)
Occupation and Health
Occupational disease
Occupational disease type