

AnAcademic Leader ofthe Researchers of the Historical Relations of the Ethnic Groups in Southwest China--An interview with Professor Zhao Xinyu,the former president of Southwest Minzu University
摘要 赵心愚先生是西南民族大学西南民族研究院教授、博士生导师,兼任四川大学历史文化学院博士生导师,原西南民族大学校长,四川省学术和技术带头人。他长期从事学术研究和教学工作,先后出版《纳西族与藏族关系史》等十余部著作,发表学术论文百余篇;主持各级各类项目多项。培养博士、硕士研究生多名。其著作《纳西族与藏族关系史》《西藏地方志研究》《清季民国康区藏族文献辑要》等在学界产生了较大的影响。在教学和科研方面,曾多次荣获省部级奖项,其中包括一等奖三项。文章以赵心愚教授的成长经历为切入点,围绕其长期康藏研究经历和学术成果进行了专访。 Zhao Xinyu,the former president of Southwest Minzu University,is a professor and doctoral supervisor of Southwest Minzu University,as well as a doctoral supervisor of Sichuan University,and the academic and technical leader of Sichuan Province.He has been engaged in academic research and teaching for a long time.He is a proactive scholar in the research on the cultural history of ethnic groups in southwest China,especially the research on the ethnic relations between the Naxiand the Tibetan people.He has successivelywritten and published more than ten books,The History of the Relations between the Naxi and Tibetans,for instance,and more than a hundred academic papers.He has also conductedmany projects at all levels.Additionally,Professor Zhao Xinyu has instructed many doctoral and master students.His works,such as The History of the Relations between the Naxi and Tibetans,A Study of Local Chronicles of Tibet,and a Summary of the Documents of the Tibetans in KhamAreas during the Qing Dynasty and the Republic of Chinaand so on,have exerted a great influence in the academic circle.In terms of teaching and scientific research,he has won many ministerial and provincial awards,including three first prizes.This article contains an exclusive interview of Professor Zhao with the content of his growth experience,his long-term research of the Tibetans inKham area,his research experience and his academic achievements.
作者 李太本 贡布多加 LI Tai-ben;Gongbu Dogya(Institute of Ethnic Studies,Southwest Minzu University,Chengdu,Sichuan 610041;ChinaInstitute of Tibetan Studies,Sichuan University,Chengdu,Sichuan 610027)
出处 《西藏大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第4期1-9,共9页 Journal of Tibet University
关键词 西南地区 民族史 赵心愚 纳西族 藏族 康藏研究 Southwest China ethnic history Zhao Xinyu Naxi Tibetan Kham-Tibetan studies
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