

Research on Teachers’Practical Knowledge Generation in the Context of New-engineering Adult Education
摘要 教师实践性知识是艾尔巴兹(Elbaz)等学者提出的概念。近年来,国内一些学者频繁对其进行研究,其理论广泛应用于高等教育和基础教育的教学实践中。随着国家出台系列政策鼓励继续教育发展,成人教育的教学质量被赋予高质量发展的希冀,然而,受生源、层次、师资、资金等客观因素的制约,成人教育的教学过程还存在诸多过程质量问题。从教师实践性知识概念出发,探讨在新工科改革背景下从事高等成人学历教育教学教师应该如何通过实践性教学方式方法改革,不断强化自身实践性知识,进而保障成人教育教学质量的不断提升。 The concept of teachers’practical knowledge was firstly coined by Elbaz.In recent years some Chinese scholars have frequently conducted research on it.His theories are widely used in the teaching process of higher education and basic education.With the introduction of a series of national policies encouraging the development of continuing education,high-quality development is expected in the teaching of adult education.However,restricted by objective factors,such as the student recruitment,the level,teachers’capacities,and the funding,problems exist in the quality in the teaching process of adult continuing education.Based on the concept of teachers’practical knowledge,this paper discusses how teachers who are engaged in higher-degree adult education should constantly strengthen their practical knowledge through the reform of practical teaching methods under the background of new engineering reform,so as to ensure the continuous improvement of the quality of teaching.
作者 施翰 Shi Han(School of Continuing Education,North China Electric Power University,Beijing 102206,China)
出处 《继续教育研究》 2022年第2期125-129,共5页 Continuing Education Research
基金 国家自然科学基金项目“‘新工科’建设背景下大学生创新创业能力培养生态系统研究”(编号:71874012)。
关键词 实践性教学知识 成人工科教育 新工科教育理念 Practical knowledge of teaching Adult engineering education The concept of new engineering education
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