

Analysis of IgM antibody detection of respiratory pathogen in elderly patients with respiratory diseases in Guangdong area
摘要 目的探讨广东地区老年人呼吸道疾病患者的病原学流行特征,为临床诊疗提供病原学依据。方法采用间接免疫荧光法检测患者血清是否存在嗜肺军团菌血清1型(LP1)、肺炎支原体(MP)、Q热立克次体(CB)、肺炎衣原体(CP)、腺病毒(ADV)、呼吸道合胞病毒(RSV)、甲型流感病毒(INFA)、乙型流感病毒(INFB)和副流感病毒(1、2和3型PIVs)9种呼吸道病原体的IgM抗体,根据不同性别、不同年龄和不同季节的病原体阳性率以及合并感染情况进行统计分析。结果(1)3192例患者中有368例阳性,阳性率为11.53%,女性阳性率13.29%高于男性阳性率10.48%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);(2)不同年龄组感染阳性率差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);(3)阳性患者中,93.75%为单一一种病原体感染,6.25%为两种病原体同时感染,以MP最常见,其次是INFB和CB,最常见的混合感染模式为MP+INFB;(4)病原体流行的时间段为春夏两季,MP、CB、ADV和PIVs好发于春季和夏季,其他5种病原体感染未见明显季节性变化。结论该地区老年人呼吸道疾病发病率高,女性较男性易感,感染病原体以MP最高,其次为INFB和CB。呼吸道病原体不同季节流行情况不同,采用9项病原体IgM抗体联检可快速检测出病原体,为当地老年人呼吸道疾病的早期诊疗提供科学依据。 Objective To explore the etiological epidemiological characteristics of elderly patients with respiratory diseases in Guangdong,and to provide the etiological basis for clinical diagnosis and treatment Methods Indirect immunofluorescence method was used to detect the presence of IgM antibodies of the Legionella pneumophila serotype 1(LP1),Mycoplasma pneumoniae(MP),Q fever Rickettsia(CB),Chlamydia pneumoniae(CP),Adenovirus(ADV),respiratory tract syncytial virus(RSV),influenza A virus(INFA),influenza B virus(INFB)and parainfluenza virus.The positive rate of pathogens and co-infection were analyzed according to different genders,different ages and different seasons.Results Among the 3192 patients,368 were positive,with a positive rate of 11.53%.The positive rate of women was 13.29%higher than the positive rate of men 10.48%,and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05);there was no difference in the positive rate of infection among different age groups(P>0.05);among the positive patients,93.75%were infected by a single pathogen,and 6.25%were infected by two pathogens at the same time.MP was the most common,followed by INFB and CB,the most common mixed infection mode is MP+INFB;the pathogens are prevalent in spring and summer.MP,CB,ADV and PIVs are more likely to occur in spring and summer,and the other 5 pathogens have no obvious seasonality.The elderly in this area have a high incidence of respiratory diseases,and women are more susceptible than men.MP is the highest infection pathogen,followed by INFB and CB.Conclusion The incidence of respiratory diseases among the elderly in this area is high,and women are more susceptible than men.MP is the highest infectious pathogen,followed by INFB and CB.The prevalence of respiratory pathogens is different in different seasons.The joint test of 9 pathogens with IgM antibodies can quickly detect the pathogens and provide scientific basis for the early diagnosis and treatment of respiratory diseases in the local elderly.
作者 李云珍 姚少濠 李玲 苏坤华 LI Yunzhen;YAO shaohao;LI Ling;SU Kunhua(Guangzhou Kingmed Center for Clinical Laboratory Co.,Ltd,Guangzhou,Guangdong 510005,China)
出处 《国际检验医学杂志》 CAS 2021年第S02期122-125,共4页 International Journal of Laboratory Medicine
关键词 老年呼吸道疾病 病原体IgM抗体 间接免疫荧光法 流行特点 elderly respiratory diseases IgM antibody indirect immunofluorescence method epidemic characteristics
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