

The Impact of Greenway Traffic Connectivity on Urban Space:Taking Lushan South Road Greenway Traffic of Hunan University as an Example
摘要 在交通发展的绿色转向过程中,为了更好地开展城市绿道交通模式、改善城市空间结构、提升城市空间品质,文章以湖南大学麓山南路绿道交通为例,重点探究绿道连通性的影响因素,分析绿道交通连通性对城市空间的影响,并在基地现状分析的基础上,提出相关优化措施。研究表明,绿道连通性会从节点空间、街道空间、景观空间、土地空间、社会空间五方面影响城市空间结构。 In the process of the green turn of traffic development, in order to better carry out the urban greenway traffic mode, improve the urban spatial structure, and enhance the quality of urban space, taking the Lushan South Road greenway traffic of Hunan University as an example, this paper focuses on exploring the influencing factors of greenway connectivity, analyzes the impact of greenway traffic connectivity on urban space, and puts forward relevant optimization based on the analysis of the current situation of the base measures. The research shows that greenway connectivity will affect urban spatial structure from node space, street space, landscape space, land space and social space.
作者 朱俊霖 何韶瑶 Zhu Junlin;He Shaoyao
出处 《建筑与文化》 2021年第12期124-125,共2页 Architecture & Culture
基金 国家自然科学基金(项目编号:51978250)。
关键词 绿道交通 连通性 城市空间 共享交通 greenway traffic connectivity urban space shared traffic
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