
银屑病的生物制剂治疗进展 被引量:8

Progress of biological agent therapy for psoriasis
摘要 银屑病是一种慢性炎症性疾病,系统治疗银屑病的传统药物如甲氨蝶呤、维A酸、环孢素等均存在起效慢、疗效有限及不良反应多等缺点。近年来伴随着生物制剂的问世,银屑病治疗效果和安全性得到了显著提升,特别是进入2019年,随着白介素-17抑制剂和白介素-23抑制剂相继在我国应用于银屑病的临床治疗,以其优异的疗效和较高的安全性为银屑病患者带来了前所未有的体验。本文对目前在国内上市并应用于临床治疗银屑病的主要生物制剂作一综述,以期为临床医生提供帮助。 Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory disease.Methotrexate,retinoic acid and cyclosporin are traditional drugs for its systematic treatment.However,the treatments with these traditional drugs have some obvious disadvantages,such as slow and limited clinical effect and many adverse effects.In recent years,with the advent of biological agents,the efficacy and safety of psoriasis treatment have been significantly improved.Especially in 2019,with the application of interleukin-17 inhibitors and interleukin-23 inhibitors in the clinical treatment of psoriasis in China,unprecedented experience to patients with psoriasis with its excellent efficacy and high safety have been obtained.This paper reviews the main psoriatic biological agents listed in China and used in practice,in order to provide help for clinicians.
作者 王云 王明悦 夏杨 涂平 李若瑜 李航 Wang Yun;Wang Mingyue;Xia Yang;Tu Ping;Li Ruoyu;Li Hang(Department of Dermatology,Peking University First Hospital,National Clinical Research Center For Skin and Immune Diseases,Beijing Key Laboratory of Molecular Diagnosis on Dermatoses,NMPA Key Laboratory for Quality Control and Evaluation of Cosmetics,Beijing 100034,China;Institute of Neuroscience,Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Shanghai 200031,China)
出处 《中国医学前沿杂志(电子版)》 2021年第12期13-18,共6页 Chinese Journal of the Frontiers of Medical Science(Electronic Version)
关键词 银屑病 生物制剂 治疗 Psoriasis Biological agent Therapy
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