
1978-2010年城镇企业职工基本养老保险制度改革的历程与经验 被引量:4

The Course and Experience of the Reform of the Basic Endowment Insurance System for Employees in Urban Enterprises From 1978 to 2010
摘要 从1978年改革开放启动到2010年《中华人民共和国社会保险法》颁布,城镇企业职工基本养老保险制度历经30余年改革,大致经历了改革的启动与探索、改革的创新与深入、改革的统一与完善等阶段,完成了模式创新和制度转换,在保障社会民生和配合经济改革方面成就显著。城镇企业职工基本养老保险制度改革的成功经验主要包括:保障和改善民生是改革的出发点,顺应社会主义市场经济的发展趋势是改革的方向,顶层设计与基层探索的有机互动是改革的方法与路径。 From the beginning of reform and opening-up in 1978 to the promulgation of The Social Insurance Law of the Peoples Republic of China in 2010,the basic endowment insurance system for employees in urban enterprises has undergone reforms for more than 30 years.It has generally experienced several stages of reform’s initiation and exploration,innovation and deepening,the unification and perfection and so on,and completed the mode innovation and system transformation,and made remarkable achievements in safeguarding the people’s livelihood and cooperating with the economic reform.The successful experience of the reform of the basic endowment insurance system for employees in urban enterprises mainly included:the starting point of reform is guaranteeing and improving people’s livelihood;the direction of reform is conforming to the developmental trend of socialist market economy;the organic interactions between top-level design and grass-roots exploration are the approach and path of reform.
作者 冯维 Feng Wei
机构地区 当代中国研究所
出处 《当代中国史研究》 CSSCI 2021年第6期66-84,158,159,共21页 Contemporary China History Studies
关键词 城镇企业 养老保险 社会统筹 统账结合 urban enterprise endowment insurance social coordination in an overall manner integration between social coordination and personal accounts
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