

A Study of the Toa Dobunshoin College's Investigation of Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal
摘要 甲午战争后,日本开始以长江流域为中心布局在华内河航运网络,京杭大运河由于其沟通南北的特殊地理位置,一直是日本关注的重点之一。第一次世界大战爆发后,以“中日提携”为兴学宗旨的东亚同文书院,在其特色办学项目——以对华调查为目的的中国“大旅行”中,进行了多次对京杭大运河的调查,调查范围逐年扩大,调查主题逐年细化,且调查重点围绕华北地区。通过梳理相关史料发现,东亚同文书院进行的京杭大运河调查其内容涉及水运、城镇、商业、金融和物产等,成为了解京杭大运河历史的重要史料。调查报告阐明了京杭大运河对于中日两国的航运价值、经济价值、政治价值和社会价值。书院学生的调查报告书直接呈递日本外务省和参谋本部等政府部门,实质上充当了日本政府对华决策的背景调查之用。布局京杭大运河是近代日本构建在华航运网络企图的一部分,也从侧面反映了一战后日美英俄在华的实力消长和复杂关系。 After the Sino-Japanese War of 1894~1895,Japan began to lay out the inland shipping network in China with the Yangtze River Basin as the center,and the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal has always been one of the focuses of Japan because of its special geographical location to connect the north and the south.After the outbreak of the First World War,the Toa Dobunshoin College,which aimed at"sino-japanese collaboration",conducted surveys of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal in its characteristic school-running project-China's"Great Tour"with the purpose of investigating China.The scope of the survey was expanded year by year,the survey topics were refined year by year,and the focus of the survey focused on North China.By sorting out relevant historical materials,it is found that the investigation contents of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal of the Toa Dobunshoin College involve water transportation,towns,commerce,finance and products,etc.,and become an important historical material for understanding the history of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal.The report clarified the shipping value,economic value,political value and social value of Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal to China and Japan.The students'investigation report of the Academy was directly submitted to the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs,the General Staff Headquarters and other government departments,which essentially served as the background investigation for the Japanese government's decision-making on China.The layout of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal was part of Japan's attempt to build a shipping network in China in modern times,and it also reflected the strength growth and decline of Japan,the United States,Britain and Russia in China after World War I.
作者 于振冲 Yu Zhenchong
出处 《日本研究》 2021年第4期89-96,共8页 Japan Studies
基金 国家社科基金重大课题“近代日本在华资源‘调查’及盗绘图表整理与研究(1868-1945)18ZDA204”子课题。
关键词 东亚同文书院 京杭大运河 对华调查 内河航运 the Toa Dobunshoin College Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal Investigation on China Inland River Shipping
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