

Research on Three Dimensions of Power Spatialization
摘要 自20世纪70年代始,社会科学领域内普遍兴起的"空间转向"视域为权力研究提供了新的视角,空间与权力的联姻呈现出权力空间化的现象。空间的本质特征成为权力空间化的基础,权力生产了空间关系,空间关系又表征了权力。权力的三维观念为探索权力空间化机制构建了新的思路,权力运行的三重维度可概括为直接控制、间接支配与全面操纵。这三种不同层面的权力运行相互交织生成了权力空间化的三重维度,使空间分别呈现出空间政治化、空间意识形态化以及空间资本化的特征。对权力空间化三重维度的研究能够让我们深入认知城市发展现状中的空间剥夺、空间区隔等相关现象,为建构城市空间正义夯实基础。 Since the 1970s,the"Spatial Turn"of social theory has provided a new perspective for power research.The marriage of space and power presents the phenomenon of power spatialization.The essential characteristics of space become the basis of spatial power.Power produces spatial relations,and spatial relations represent power.The three-dimensional concept of power constructs a new idea for exploring the spatial mechanism of power.The three dimensions of power can be summarized as direct control,indirect domination and comprehensive manipulation.These three different levels of power operation interweave with each other,and also generate the three dimensions of power spatialization,which makes space show the characteristics of space politicization,space ideology and space capitalization.The research on the three dimensions of spatial power can make us deeply understand the spatial deprivation and spatial separation in the current situation of urban development,and lay a solid foundation for the construction of the urban spatial justice.
作者 张楠 ZHANG Nan(College of Art and Design,Luoyang Institute of Science and Technology,Luoyang,Henan 471000,China)
出处 《城市学刊》 2021年第6期27-33,共7页 Journal of Urban Studies
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目(19YJC760156)。
关键词 空间生产 权力三维观念 权力空间化 production of space three dimensional concept of power power spatialization
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