

Historical Investigation and Realistic Enlightenment of the Political Construction of the Communist Party of China in the Past Century
摘要 中国共产党成立以来,党的政治建设的理论和实践从新民主主义革命时期的起步、艰辛探索和成熟,到社会主义革命和建设时期的继续探索和曲折发展、改革开放新时期的恢复和创新发展,再到新时代的接续创新,形成了宝贵的经验。历史启示我们,要始终把夺取和巩固国家政权作为党的政治建设的根本目标,坚持用马克思主义中国化的最新理论成果为党的政治建设提供正确指引,把以人民为中心作为党的政治建设的根本立场,把维护党中央的权威和集中统一领导作为党的政治建设的根本原则,把健全完善党内政治规范作为党的政治建设的根本保障。 Since the founding of the Communist Party of China,the theory and practice of the party’s political construction have gone from the beginning,arduous exploration and maturity in the period of the new democratic revolution,to the continuous exploration and tortuous development in the period of socialist revolution and construction,and the restoration and restoration of the new period of reform and opening up.Innovative development,and then continued innovation in the new era,has formed valuable experience.History has inspired us to always regard seizing and consolidating state power as the fundamental goal of the party’s political construction,persist in using the latest theoretical achievements of the Sinicization of Marxism to provide correct guidance for the party’s political construction,and take the people as the center of the party’s political construction.The fundamental position of the Party is to maintain the authority and centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee as the fundamental principle of the party’s political construction,and to improve and perfect the inner party political norms as the fundamental guarantee for the party’s political construction.
作者 杨大威 Yang Dawei(Institute of Sociology,Heilongjiang Academy of Social Sciences,Harbin 150028)
出处 《知与行》 2021年第4期10-17,95,共9页 Cognition and Practice
关键词 中国共产党 建党一百周年 政治建设 政治规范 领导核心 the Communist Party of China the centenary of the founding of the party political construction political norms leadership core
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