
在地社区对待遗产的观念与村落整体社会的影响——基于四川省阿坝藏族羌族自治州直波村的调查与研究 被引量:1

Local Community’s Idea of Heritage and the Influence of Holistic Village Society:the Case of Zhibo Village in Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture,Sichuan Province
摘要 遗产的保护除了需要考虑官方的制度与政策之外,不同主体对待遗产的观念以及村落整体社会可能产生的影响,均值得被进一步重视。四川省阿坝藏族羌族自治州直波村的案例体现出,村民们之所以相对自发的维系了当地的民居传统,这需要考虑建筑的实用性、可行性以及身份认同等传统遗产话语以外的因素,考虑村落整体社会在受到"外界"冲击之后所实现的平衡;村民们对于碉楼的理解和保护行为也杂糅了官方叙事以及非官方的个体记忆和诠释。 The conservation of heritage involves not only government policies and institutions,meanwhile,the ideas of different subjects towards heritage,especially local communities,and the possible influence from the village society as a whole,are also worthy of further discussion.Zhibo Village in Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture,Sichuan Province,which has been listed as a Traditional Village by Chinese authority since 2016,still maintains a sustainable mechanism of architectural tradition.The case of Zhibo suggests that the preservation of architectural tradition is highly related to the issues such as functionality,practicability,and the sense of identity,which are usually regarded as factors beyond the heritage discourse.When these factors remain vibrant in a village,the local community could easily be motivated to follow their architectural traditions,even though they are faced with a choice between protecting an old structure and building a new one in their daily life.Also,although listed as a Traditional Village,Zhibo shouldn’t be regarded as a closed system.On the contrary,it has kept a continual connection with the"outside world".Hence,it’s crucial for the holistic village society to achieve a relative stability under the impact of the outside world.Moreover,as for the conservation of watchtowers in Zhibo,which have been listed as a heritage by the authority since 2001,local communities have a unique interpretation of the watchtowers,which combines grassrooted legends and official narratives,scientific interpretations and individual memories,and becomes the reason for the local communities to maintain a harmonious coexistence with those heritages.In conclusion,the case of Zhibo highlights the importance of local community’s idea towards heritage which might be different from the official version,and the necessity of putting heritage-related issues back to the circumstance of holistic society rather than the limited discourse system of heritage,as well as the need for further discussions on the ideas such as local knowledge.
作者 王思渝 Wang Siyu
出处 《四川文物》 北大核心 2021年第6期95-103,共9页 Sichuan Cultural Relics
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“中国西南少数民族传统村落的保护与利用研究”(项目编号:15ZDB119)。
关键词 传统村落 遗产观 身份认同 遗产话语体系 Traditional village Idea of heritage Sense of identity Discourse system of heritage
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