

Online Monitoring Analysis of Cutting Vibration in Hard Whirling Process
摘要 针对螺纹硬旋铣过程中刀具振动状态的辨识问题开展试验研究。根据硬旋铣的工艺特点设计刀齿切削力监测系统及切削试验,对切削力数据进行频域分析。研究结果表明:硬旋铣机床的刀具切削振动是由断续切削引起的强迫振动无自激振动发生的。 The experimental investigation of identifying tool vibration status in hard whirling process is undertaken.According to the technologic features of hard whirling,a measure system to monitor the triaxial cutting forces of individual cutter is developed,cutting tests are conducted,and the frequency analysis on cutting force data is completed.The results show that the cutting vibrations of hard-whirling cutters are caused by the forced vibrations due to interrupted cutting without any self-excited vibrations.
作者 倪寿勇 刘杰 陈勇 娄磊 NI Shouyong;LIU Jie;CHEN Yong;LOU Lei(School of Mechanical Engineering,Nanjing Vocational University of Industry and Technology,Nanjing 210023,China)
出处 《机械制造与自动化》 2021年第6期29-31,共3页 Machine Building & Automation
基金 江苏省教育厅工业软件工程技术研究开发中心开放基金资助项目(ZK20-04-04) 江苏省高校“青蓝工程”资助项目(苏教师[2020]10号) 江苏省高等职业院校专业带头人高端研修资助项目(2020GRGDYX007)。
关键词 刀具振动 旋风铣削 在线监测 测力仪 tool vibration whirling process online monitoring dynamometer
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