
新时代江西省林草产业发展研究 被引量:3

Study on the development of forestry and grassland industries in Jiangxi Province of the new era
摘要 近年来,江西省在保护森林资源和绿色生态的同时,大力发展林草产业,有力地促进了地方经济发展和林农增收致富。江西省林草产业取得了一些成就--木材加工和家具等传统产业逐步转型升级,油茶、毛竹等特色产业快速发展,森林药材、香料香精、苗木花卉、森林旅游、森林康养等新兴产业异军突起等。但也存在着林下经济在带动林农致富方面的作用还未充分发挥出来,产业核心竞争力不强,林产企业自主创新能力弱,产品附加值低等问题。文章用SWOT分析法对江西省林业产业发展态势进行了分析,指出具有区位、气候、资源优势及扎实的发展基础,迎来了新指导思想、社会主要矛盾变化、新一轮科技革命兴起、国家重大战略实施、省级政府高度重视等新发展机遇,但面临着市场竞争加剧、发展模式陈旧、科技支撑不强、劳动力不足等挑战。文章提出了应对挑战的对策措施,明确了林草产业新发展思路和基本原则,提出了做大做强优势特色产业、增强科技创新能力、深化政策扶持等意见建议,以及全面落实林长制、不断完善发展与考核机制、加强执法监督和林草产品服务溯源管理、完善配套基础设施建设等保障措施。 In recent years,while protecting forest resources and green ecological environment,Jiangxi Province develops the forestry and grassland industries,which promotes the local economic development and increases the income of forest farmers.The forestry and grassland industry in Jiangxi Province has made some achievements:the traditional industries like wood processing and furniture have been gradually transformed and upgraded,and the characteristic industries like Camellia Oleifera and Phyllostachys pubescents have developed rapidly,the emerging industries like natural medicinal materials from forests,natural flavors and fragrances,nursery stock and flowers,forest tourism,forest health care,etc.,have been rising.However,there are still some problems such as the under-forest economy has not played its role in prompting the farmers to become rich,the core competitiveness of the industry is not strong,the independent innovation ability of the forest enterprises is weak,and the added value of the products is low.The paper analyzes the development tangency of forestry industry in Jiangxi Province by using SWOT analysis method,pointing out that it has strengths in geographic superiority,favorable climate conditions,forest resources and a solid foundation for development,new Development Opportunities,such as the new guiding ideology,the evolved social principal contradiction,the rise of a new round of scientific and technological revolution,the implementation of major national strategies,and the high importance attached by provincial governments,have come into being,however,it is faced with such challenges as intensifying market com-petition,outmoded development model,weak support of science and technology,and insufficient labor force.The paper puts forward some countermeasures to deal with the challenges,making clear the new development ideas and basic principles of the forestry and grassland industry,and developing opinions and suggestions on how to enlarge and strengthen the dominant and characteristic industries,strengthen the ability of scientific and technological inno-vation,and deepen the policy support,as well as bringing forward safeguards such as fully implement forest chief scheme,constantly improve the development and assessment mechanism,strengthen law enforcement and supervi-sion,traceability management of forestry and grassland products,improve supporting infrastructure construction.
出处 《国家林业和草原局管理干部学院学报》 2021年第4期3-10,17,共9页 National Academy of Forestry and Grassland Administration Journal
关键词 江西省 林草产业 发展 Jiangxi Province forestry and grassland industries development
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