

Remarks on the Problem D in 2020 Annual Chinese Graduate Mathematical Modeling Contest
摘要 叙述了2020年中国研究生数学建模竞赛D题“无人机集群协同对抗”的命题背景和目的,分析了本赛题的建模及求解思路,对评阅中发现的问题进行了综述,最后讨论了本赛题还需继续思考的问题. The background and intention for problem D in the national contest of mathematical modeling for postgraduate,2020,titled Cooperation and Competition in UAV Swarm,were presented firstly.Then the solution ideas and some excellent methods in the marking process were summarized.Finally,the problems to be solved in the future were proposed.
作者 刘卫东 LIU Wei-dong(Department of Basic Courses,Rocket Force Engineering University,Xi’an 710025,China)
出处 《数学的实践与认识》 2021年第23期234-239,共6页 Mathematics in Practice and Theory
关键词 数学建模 无人机集群 协同对抗 微分对策 追逃问题 mathematical modeling UAV swarm cooperation and competition differential game theory pursuit-evasion problem
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