
贵州省煤层气勘探开发形势与产业支持政策研究 被引量:4

Coalbedmethane exploration and development situation and industrial support policy in Guizhou Province
摘要 "十二五"以来,贵州省煤层气勘探开发取得了重要进展,但仍存在产业布局、技术工艺、政策保障等方面的诸多问题。总结了贵州省煤层气勘探开发形势,梳理了勘探开发成果与存在问题,提出煤层气产业政策完善的建议。研究表明:在煤层气地质选区、层段优选与适配性技术研究的推动下,贵州煤层气勘探开发技术体系逐步完善,煤层气井产气效果不断取得突破,但仍存在管理体制机制不顺,财政补贴扶持弱化,技术与施工能力不强等问题。在煤层气矿业权管理方面,需彻底改变矿权叠置问题,优化新设矿业权的获得体制,加快推进煤层气与煤炭矿业权"两权合一";在多元资金投入方面,吸引省内外优势企业进入,引导鼓励常规油气矿业权人、煤炭矿业权人与煤层气开发企业合作;在税费扶持方面,严格落实税费优惠、瓦斯发电等扶持政策,进一步提高煤层气抽采利用补贴标准,提高企业参与的积极性。 Since the 12;Five Year Plan, important progress has been made in the exploration and development of coalbed methane(CBM) in Guizhou Province, but there are still many problems in industrial layout, technology and policy guarantee. This paper summarizes the situation of CBM exploration and development in Guizhou Province, combs the achievements and existing problems of exploration and development, and puts forward some suggestions on the improvement of CBM industry policy. The research shows that:under the promotion of CBM geological selection, interval optimization and adaptability technology research, Guizhou CBM exploration and development technology system has been gradually improved, and CBM production effect has made continuous breakthroughs, but there are still some problems, such as mining right management system is not smooth, financial subsidies are not enough, and technology and construction capacity are not strong. In terms of the management of CBM mining rights, it is necessary to thoroughly change the problem of overlapping mining rights, optimize the acquisition system of new mining rights, and accelerate the integration of CBM and coal mining rights;In terms of multiple capital investment, we should attract the entry of advantageous enterprises inside and outside the province,guide and encourage the cooperation between conventional oil and gas mining right holders, coal mining right holders and CBM development enterprises;In terms of tax and fee support, we should strictly implement preferential tax and fee policies, gas power generation and other support policies, further improve the subsidy standard for CBM extraction and utilization, and enhance the enthusiasm of enterprises to participate.
作者 魏元龙 孙钊 龙萃芸 刘锦钿 周效志 Wei Yuanlong;Sun Zhao;Long Cuiyun;Liu Jindian;Zhou Xiaozhi(Key Laboratory of Unconventional Natural Gas Evaluation and Development in Complex Tectonic Areas,Ministry of Natural Resources,Guiyang 550009,China;Guizhou Engineering Research Institute of Oil&Gas Exploration and Development,Guiyang 550009,China;School of Resources and Geosciences,China University of Mining and Technology,Xuzhou 221116,China)
出处 《煤炭经济研究》 2021年第8期69-74,共6页 Coal Economic Research
基金 贵州省地质勘查基金资助项目(208-9912-JBN-UTS0,208-0602-JQN-5G9D)。
关键词 贵州省 煤层气 勘探开发 矿业权 Guizhou Province coalbed methane exploration and development mining rights
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