
港口多AGV智能导航解决方案设计与试验 被引量:1

The Overall Solution of multi-AGV Intelligent Navigation in Complex Port Environment
摘要 针对复杂港口环境下多AGV水平运输问题,从多AGV智能导航角度出发,结合现有港口环境下AGV导航的实际需求,从车辆实时定位、车辆防撞等方面考虑,提出了一套高效灵活的复杂港口环境多AGV智能导航整体解决方案.该整体解决方案基于多传感器融合下车辆导航定位、复杂环境下车辆防撞等技术,可实现多AGV在港口的灵活高效运行目前该智能导航整体解决方案已在A港口成功运用,验证了提出的复杂港口环境多AGV智能导航整体解决方案对提升码头的运作效率和智能化程度的可行性和有效性。 Aiming at the problem of multi-AGV horizontal transportation in a complex port environment,this article starts from the perspective of multi-AGV intelligent navigation,considering the actual needs of AGV navigation,such as vehicle real-time positioning and vehicle collision avoidance,and proposes a set of complex port environment multi-AGV intelligent navigation overall solution which is efficient and flexible.The overall solution is mainly based on technologies such as multi-sensor fusion vehicle navigation and positioning,and vehicle collision avoidance in complex environments.It can realize the flexible and efficient operation of multiple AGVs in ports.At present,the intelligent navigation overall solution has been successfully used in Port A,verifying the feasibility and effectiveness of the program.
作者 马利娜 游佳朋 熊会 于均 明新国 MA Lina;YOU Jiapeng;XIONG Hui;YU Jim;MING Xinguo(Shanghai Zhenhua Port Machinery Company Limited,Shanghai 200125,China;School of Mechanical Engineering,Shanghai Jiao Tong University,Shanghai 200240,China)
出处 《机械设计与研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第6期24-27,34,共5页 Machine Design And Research
基金 上海市人工智能创新发展项目(2019-KGZN-01057)。
关键词 多AGV智能导航 车辆实时定位 车辆防撞 multi-agv intelligent navigation vehicle real-time positioning vehicle collision avoidance
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