

On Zhao Yifu's Scholarship on the Changes
摘要 学界对赵以夫易学鲜有关注,实则其卦变、卦主、爻变三说颇有创见。为了让卦变说兼具阴阳消息与阴阳交感两种意蕴,赵以夫提出了“乾坤消息生十辟、交易生六子,消息与六子各生杂卦”这一双线并行的新思路,但他未能协调“消息”与“六子”两大序列。吴澄沿袭其说而略有改动,二者的区别仅关乎细节,故不宜对吴澄卦变说的原创性评价过高。赵以夫的卦主说较有规律,与卦变说关联紧密。爻变是赵以夫易学的核心义例,其象数本质是在五对同位之爻爻性相同、一对同位之爻爻性相反的两卦之间建立联系,进而达成援引彼卦注解此卦的目的。同时,它还承载着《周易》“尽天地万物之理,而示人以趋吉避凶之方”的义理要旨。在“变卦解《易》”的发展谱系中,赵以夫是上承沈该、都絜而下启吴澄的重要环节。 Academic circles pay little attention to Zhao Yifu’s(1189-1256) scholarship on the Changes. Yet his theories related to hexagram changes, hexagram ruler, and line transformation actually were quite original and insightful. In order to make the hexagram-change theory have both the meanings of waxing and waning of yin-yang and interaction of yin-yang, Zhao Yifu put forward a new parallel idea of "the waxing and waning of Qian ■and Kun■(parental hexagrams) produces ten sovereign hexagrams, the transaction between Qian ■and Kun■ produces six children hexagrams, and the twelve waxing and waning hexagrams and ‘six children’ hexagrams produce the other irregular hexagrams respectively", but he was unable to coordinate the sequence of "waxing and waning" and that of "six children" hexagrams. Wu Cheng(1249-1333) followed his theory with slight changes and the difference between the two is only in details, so it is not appropriate to overestimate the originality of Wu Cheng’s hexagram-change theory. Zhao Yifu’s theory of the hexagram-ruler has regularity and is closely related to the theory of hexagram changes. Line transformation is the core of Zhao Yifu’s scholarship on the Changes. Its essence lies in the establishment of connections between two hexagrams which have five pairs of lines in the same position and same line nature and one pair of lines with the same position but different line nature, so as to achieve the purpose of quoting the other hexagram statement to explain this hexagram. At the same time, it also carries the principle of "completely reveal the principles of the myriad things in the world and show humans the way to seek good fortunes and avoid bad ones" in the Book of Changes. In the developmental pedigree of applying hexagram changes theory to the exegesis of the Changes, Zhao Yifu is an important one who inherited Shen Gai and Du Jie’s hermeneutics and inspired Wu Cheng’s interpretation.
作者 张沛 ZHANG Pei
出处 《周易研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第5期75-82,共8页 Studies of Zhouyi
基金 国家社科基金青年项目:“乾嘉象数易学及其义理意涵研究”(17CZX031)。
关键词 赵以夫 《易通》 卦变 卦主 爻变 吴澄 Zhao Yifu A Thorough Interpretation of Zhou yi hexagram change hexagram ruler line transformation Wu Cheng
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  • 1《厚斋易学·附录一》,文渊阁《四库全书》经部十,易类,P834.
  • 2《读易举要》卷四,文渊阁《四库全书》经部十五,易类,P464.
  • 3《厚斋易学·附录二》,文渊阁《四库全书》经部十,易类,P835.
  • 4《易小传》,《丛书集成续编》第二十七册,P4.
  • 5《易变体义·原序》,文渊阁《四库全书》经部五,易类,P629.
  • 6《易变体义·自序》,文渊阁《四库全书》经部五,易类,P631.
  • 7《周易启蒙翼传》中篇,文渊阁《四库全书》经部十六,易类,P273.
  • 8《易纂言外翼·自序》,《丛书集成续编》第二十七册,P612.
  • 9《易象义·易统论上》,文渊阁《四库全书》经部十五,易类,P479.
  • 10《易象义·易统论中》,文渊阁《四库全书》经部十五,易类,P481.









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