
失败学习与商业模式创新关系:知识管理与环境动态性的影响 被引量:5

The relationship between failure learning and business model innovation:The impact of knowledge management and environmental dynamics
摘要 近年来,商业模式创新成为创业失败企业再发展的战略工具之一,商业模式创新路径研究广受关注,但鲜有研究涉及失败学习对商业模式创新的路径研究。基于经验学习理论和资源依赖理论,本文从知识管理和环境动态性视角,探讨了失败学习对商业模式创新的影响及其内在作用机制。基于215份企业调查数据,采用分层回归、Bootstrap等方法开展实证研究,结果表明:失败学习对商业模式创新有显著正向影响;知识管理3个维度都中介了失败学习与商业模式创新间的关系;环境动态性在知识获取与商业模式创新以及知识创造与商业模式创新的关系中均未起到调节作用;环境动态性不仅正向调节知识整合与商业模式创新间的关系,而且对知识整合在失败学习与商业模式创新关系间的中介作用具有显著的调节作用。研究结论进一步丰富了商业模式创新路径的研究成果,为企业商业模式创新实践提供了参考。 In the era of Internet economy, business model innovation has become one of the strategic tools to promote industrial upgrading and realize enterprise redevelopment. The research on the path of business model innovation has attracted wide attention, but there are few studies on the path of failure learning to business model innovation. This study aims to establish a relationship model between failure learning, knowledge management, environmental dynamics and business model innovation, and empirically test the model by collecting data through questionnaires. Based on the empirical learning theory and resource dependence theory, from the perspective of knowledge management and environmental dynamics, this paper discusses the impact of failure learning on business model innovation, the mediating effect of knowledge management and the moderating effect of environmental dynamics.This study mainly adopts the mature scale of domestic and foreign scholars in variable measurement. The measurement of failure learning is based on the four questions of Yu Xiaoyu and Cai Li on the organizational level of failure learning. The measurement of knowledge management refers to the scales of Islam & Doshi, Jansen & Van den bosch and Shenkar & Li, with a total of 12 items. The measurement of environmental dynamics refers to the three items used in the study of environmental dynamics scale by Jansen and Van den Bosch. The measurement of business model innovation draws on the classic scale of Zott and Amit to measure business model innovation, which has four items. All items were scored by Likert-5. The main survey objects of this research are high-tech enterprises. A total of 215 valid data are collected, and empirical research is carried out by hierarchical regression and Bootstrap methods.The study finds that:(1) Failure learning significantly promotes business model innovation, and knowledge management plays a partial mediating role in the relationship between failure learning and business model innovation. Possible explanations are as follows: Firstly, business model innovation is inseparable from the accumulation of knowledge, and the heterogeneous knowledge obtained from failed learning becomes a unique source of knowledge for enterprises, increasing the breadth of knowledge acquisition and enabling enterprises to break through cognitive limitations;Secondly, the simple stacking of scattered knowledge fragments obtained from failure learning cannot become the core resource advantage of enterprises, and it is difficult to trigger innovation. Only through the deep integration and absorption of knowledge, and the full and organic integration of old and new knowledge, we can achieve knowledge optimization and generate new knowledge to promote business model innovation. Finally, the knowledge acquired by failure learning improves the sensitivity of enterprises to business model innovation opportunities, and can stimulate knowledge creation, thus breaking through the original business model pattern and effectively promoting business model innovation.(2) Environmental dynamics plays a moderating role between knowledge integration and business model innovation, and environmental dynamics has a moderating mediating effect in the impact of "failure learning-knowledge integration-business model innovation". Compared with low environmental dynamics, under the moderating effect of high environmental dynamics, knowledge integration has a greater impact on business model innovation, and failure learning has a greater impact on business model innovation through knowledge integration. The possible explanation is that when the environment is highly dynamic, companies quickly form a knowledge integration system that adapts to the environment, timely understand external market information, master new technologies, carry out knowledge integration activities, and promote business model innovation. Moreover, under the high environmental dynamics, companies pay more attention to the heterogeneous knowledge resources obtained from failed learning, and then carry out knowledge integration activities in a timely manner, respond to environmental changes, quickly make business model adjustments, and achieve business model innovation.
作者 张永云 郭鹏利 张生太 Zhang Yongyun;Guo Pengli;Zhang Shengtai(School of Economics and Management,Taiyuan University of Science and Technology,Taiyuan 030024,Shanxi,China;School of Economics and Management,Beijing University of Post and Telecommunications,Beijing 100876,China)
出处 《科研管理》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2021年第11期90-98,共9页 Science Research Management
基金 国家自然科学基金项目:“移动社交网络微信的知识传播机理研究”(71571022,2015.01—2019.12) 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目:“制造业企业的复苏路径研究:失败学习视角”(19YJC630153,2019.03—2022.02) 山西省政府重大决策咨询课题:“山西突破‘六新’发展瓶颈制约对策研究”(2020ZB14001,2020.10—2021.10)。
关键词 商业模式创新 失败学习 知识管理 环境动态性 business model innovation failure learning knowledge management environmental dynamics
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