
剩余价值理论在社会主义政治经济学中的适用性:对一个新范式的形成脉络的考察 被引量:3

The Applicability of the Theory of Surplus Value in Socialist Political Economy:A Study on the Formation of Theoretical Venation of a New Paradigm
摘要 剩余价值理论能否运用于中国特色社会主义政治经济学,是关乎后者实现学理化的重要问题。早在20世纪80年代,卓炯就系统性地探索了剩余价值范畴在社会主义政治经济学中的适用性问题。他认为,剩余价值范畴具有二重性,即一般性和特殊性,作为一般性的剩余价值范畴可以运用于中国特色社会主义政治经济学。与卓炯的观点类似的还有蒋学模、程恩富等人。在批判继承了卓炯等人观点的基础上,孟捷进一步推进了有关这一问题的研究。他提出,"社会剩余价值生产规律"是社会主义初级阶段的经济规律,这一规律解释了生产力进步与剩余价值增长互为前提的关系,具有理论参照系的意义。此外,近年来国内也出现了关于中国剩余价值与剩余价值率估算的实证研究。这些研究代表了一种社会主义政治经济学的"新范式",该范式更完整、系统地将《资本论》的原理与规律应用于中国特色社会主义政治经济学,并更好地以马克思主义经济学为基础解释了市场在资源配置中的决定性作用与国家的经济作用。 Whether the theory of surplus value can be applied in socialist political economy with Chinese characteristic directly influences the theorization of the latter.In the 1980 s,Zhuo Jiong systematically studied the applicability of category of surplus value in socialist political economy.He put forward the dualism of the category of surplus value,that is,generality and particularity,the former of which can be applied in socialist political economy with Chinese characteristic.Jiang Xuemo and Cheng Enfu share similar view with Zhuo Jiong.Meng Jie has promoted the research on this issue by critically inheriting Zhuo Jiong’s view.He reckons the law of production of social surplus value as economic law in the primary stage of socialism.The law,as a theoretical frame of reference,reveals that the progress of productivity and the increase of surplus value are mutually promoted.Additionally,some empirical researches on the estimation of China’s surplus value and the rate of surplus value emerge in recent years as well.The theoretical and empirical researches above represent a new paradigm of socialist political economy,which applies the principles and laws of Capital into socialist political economy with Chinese characteristic more completely and more systematically,and interprets more effectively the decisive role of market in resource allocation and the economic roles of state.
作者 谢超 Xie Chao(Institute of Economics,Shanghai Academy of Social Science;Mobile Post-doctoral Station of Theoretical Economics,Institute of Economics,Fudan University)
出处 《政治经济学评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第6期183-206,共24页 China Review of Political Economy
关键词 剩余价值范畴 剩余价值理论 社会主义政治经济学 新范式 category of surplus value theory of surplus value socialist political economy new paradigm
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